Walk Into The Dance Like What Up, We're In Danger

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While Martha listened to the instructions the Doctor left them, Penny tried to find a dress that said, "You're a good guy, but I'm not going to date you." She had a vague idea of what formal dresses from 1913 looked like, but not enough to be confident in her choice. She picked a dress from the correct time at random and decided it was the best she could do. Before she went back to the console room to meet with Martha, she made a stop at her room, wishing she didn't have to go back out into the real world.

She made her way back to the console room slowly. Martha was sitting on the jump seat, waiting. "Hey." Penny called.

"You have a dress?"

Penny held up the small bag that held the dress. "Wish I didn't."

Martha snorted. "Oh, don't act like you're not happy he asked you out."

"I'm not. In no way could what I am feeling be considered 'happy.'" Penny sighed, running a hand down her face.

"Whatever you say, Pen." Martha stood up and Penny held the Tardis door open for her, closing and locking it behind her with Martha's key. She tossed the key back to her and began the walk back to the school.

Martha went on a walk with her friend Jenny. She had invited Penny, but Penny was aware that Jenny was scared around her, so she declined.

So she wondered the village, running into John at some point and walking with him.

"It's so peaceful here." Penny said, trying to make it sound like a good thing instead of how boring she found it.

"If not peace, than what are you used to?" John asked as they walked arm in arm.

"Chaos." Penny said without thought, then tried to fix it. "My previous place of employment could never be described as calm." Penny said, remembering the reference the psychic paper gave her.

"Why is that?"

Penny thought a moment. "There was always the fear of attack." She decided.

"No woman should have to live in fear." John said, looking down at her with sympathy.

"I disagree." Penny said calmly. "How are we to live without fear when fear is the motivator for peace?"

John smiled warmly. "You make an excellent point, Penelope."

They ended up walking past Martha and Jenny as the ship crashed. John had dismissed Martha's opinion and Penny wanted to smack him. He offered to walk them back to school, but they declined politely.

John and Penny made their way back to the school, Penny inviting John into her room for a cuppa.

John sat on the sofa as Penny poured two cups, handing one to him and setting hers down and retrieving his journal to give back to him. She set it beside her cup of tea and sat a respectable distance away from him, not wanting to appear interested in him.

John took a sit and set his cup down, picking up his journal. "May I draw you?" He asked shyly.

Penny blinked, shocked by the request. "I don't see why not." She said numbly. "So long as I can read as you do so."

John nodded, smiling. Penny picked up one of her many books and began to read, trying to ignore John's observant eyes on her as he drew.

Penny couldn't lie. In John's sketch, she looked fantastic.

"I'm sure you've exaggerated my looks, John." She said softly as she took in the drawing.

Penny was looking down at a book, a thoughtful expression on her face, her hair drawn up into the bun that sat atop her head.

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