Solitary Confinment

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The Doctor had told them he needed to run a few tests to make sure nothing went wrong when he opened the watch. Of course, he didn't say how long it would take, but Penny didn't expect it to take more than one day.

Penny was wrong.

Eight days after the Family of Blood, they were still parked in the vortex. Penny was shockingly okay with it, but Martha was getting bored.

"Study for your exams." Penny shrugged, turning the page of the seventh Harry Potter book as she lounged on her favorite chair in the library.

"I came along so I wouldn't have to do that." Martha groaned.

"Go explore the Tardis." She suggested, only half paying attention.

"Whenever I try, I just end up walking in circles."

Intrigued, Penny closed her book, noting she was on page 207. "Really?" She frowned. "Well, what rooms have you seen?"

"Just the ones the Doctor and you showed me." Martha sighed, looking up at the celling. He face changed from annoyed to sly. "Since we have nothing to do, why don't we have a chat?"

Penny's eyes widened as she opened the book and pretended to read. "Nah," Came her slightly panicked voice. "I've got a book to read." Martha snatched her book and put it aside, smirking at Penny, who sighed, defeated. "Fine. Let's go to my room."

"Why?" Martha asked slyly. "You don't want the Doctor to overhear?"

Penny rolled her eyes. "Because I know what your 'chat' is going to be about. And I also know that the Doctor is right outside those doors at the moment, trying to listen in."

There was a sound from outside the doors. Penny got up, placing her book softly on her chair and walked to opened them, showing that the Doctor had fallen over.

"How did you know I was there?" He asked, rubbing his head from where Penny bet he had hit it.

"I'm not stupid." She said simply, no bite to her words, patting his shoulder as she and Martha walked past him, heading to her room.

Martha was trying not to laugh, and she made it ten paces without doing so. But as she glanced at Penny's completely indifferent face, and then back at the Doctor, who was pouting, she burst out in laughter. "You are really something, Pen." She said in between her giggles.

Penny shrugged, smiling at her friend as she opened the door to her room. Martha went to sit at her desk, pulling her chair around so it faced the bed, where Penny would be sitting.

Penny put her radio on quietly, putting a random album on before sitting on her bed, looking at Martha expectantly. "Go on, then." Penny gestured for her to start.

"You like the Doctor." Penny stated.

"He is my bestfriend. I'd certainly hope so." She shrugged, pretending she didn't know what she meant.

"No, you like him."

Penny rolled her eyes, picking at her finger nails. "What gives you that impression?"

"Oh, I don't know how I can miss someone who isn't even gone." Martha said with a dreamy, love-struck, sigh, a poor imitation of Penny, at least in her opinion. In reality, she had sounded rather like that.

"I'm allowed to miss my friend. I would have missed you too." Penny shrugged again.

"You kissed him."

"He kissed me."

"You kissed him back."

"I didn't actually." Penny corrected, smirking at Martha's baffled face.

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