Chapter 1: Partners

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Josie POV

Shit! I'm late for class! I start running down the hallway so fast and I end up bumping into a girl and dropping all my books. I clumsily start picking up my books, moving quickly so as to not be more late than I already am. I sheepishly pick up my head to see none other than Hope. Hope Andrea Mikaelson, the school's golden girl, head cheerleader, girlfriend of Landon Kirby, the star quarterback. The image of perfection, that is besides her bitchy attitude and huge ego.

"Who do you think you are?!" Hope says, annoyed, "Oh, looks guys it's the school loser, Josie Saltzman, why couldn't you have been more like your sister?"

There they were, the whole gang, Hope, Maya, Penelope, Alyssa, not to mention Lizzie, my own sister turning on me. "I --I'--m sorry. I -- got -gotta go," I say as if I couldn't form a sentence for the life of me. As I started to get up to get to class I was forced into halt as Alyssa stepped in front me stopping me.

"Where do you think you're going, we aren't done with you yet," Alyssa says.

"I need to get to class, I'm late," I say, but I said it way too quietly that it probably sounded like a whisper.

"What was that? You really are pathetic, you know that right? I could --" Alyssa says, but the end of her sentence is cut off by Penelope, "Yeah we get it Alyssa, c'mon guys, we are late to class we can deal with the loser later alright?"

And with that, the group went their separate ways to class and I was finally free. My next period went by pretty quickly, and before I knew it, it was lunch. I searched for MG, my best friend, my only friend really, and I look to see MG waving his arms as if he was one of those balloon guys. What a goofball.

"Jeez, MG calm down, you're gonna draw attention to us," I say trying to shush him while trying to stifle a laugh.

"Alright, alright, jeez mom," MG starts, this time I start giggling, "How was your day so far? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"I saw you like 2 hours ago MG," I say, "I bumped into, like literally into, Hope Mikaelson and her gang of perfect bitches between 3rd and 4th period."

"Rough, was Lizzie there?" MG says, I can't believe he chose to have a crush on Lizzie, there are so many other people that he could've liked.

"Chill MG, yes she was there, she didn't even try to stop it, I can't believe you like her, you could've chosen anyone else and it would've been completely fine."

"What can I say? A boy can wish can't he?"

"Yeah, whatever."

And before we know it the bell rings. "See ya after school?" I ask.

"Yeah, have fun in bio"


Ugh, bio the only class I share with Hope, this was going to be torture. I take my seat next to Jade, and then I realize that the board said that we were going to get new partners today. Like c'mon, for the first time in like forever it seems, I got a good partner and now we have to switch. Mr. Williams starts reading off partners and I though I was going to die when I realized who my partner was, Hope Mikaelson. Yeah, this semester was going to definitely be terrible.

Mr. Williams said that our first project of the semester was going to be a project with your partner and that it will be 30% of our grade, so yay, this is great, just great.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you this semester" Hope says, clearly not interested.

"Yeah, don't get your hope up" I mumble the last part hoping that she doesn't hear me.

"All right, here's the deal, I've had perfect A's the entire year so far and I can't let you ruin that, so you are coming to my house after school so we can work on it. Got it?"

"As if I had a choice."

"What was that? - whatever, gimme your number"

We exchange numbers, I never imagined that I would have a popular girl's number, obviously besides my sister, on my phone, let alone Hope.

"I'm going to pick you up after school."

And just like that, the period was over, I was in for a long semester.

AN: This is my first fanfic. I originally posted this story on ao3. Frequent updates. Suggestions are welcome and I will try my best to incorporate them.

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