Welcome to Storybrooke

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*Back in the Enchanted Forest*

*Stheno's POV*

It's been 30 years since we have seen Medusa. Euryale and I have been on this journey to find her. The three of us might have had a little bit of an argument before she disappeared.

E-"It's been 30 years. Seriously. Where is this girl?"

"Well you were the one provoked it, remember?"

E-" Well it's not my fault. You two are the ones with the fiery tempers."

We've been walking for such a long time that we lost track of time.

"Wait. Didn't she mention she had a cave?"

E-"A cave?"

"Yes. It was located someplace...um..the Enchanted Forest!"

E-"The Enchanted Forest? Where's that?"

"Well aren't you the one with the map?"

E-"Oh yeah! *Pulls out and looks at map* According to the map...we're already here."

"Really? Well where's Medusa's cave?"

E-"I don't know."

"I bet you anything it's labeled as something."


"My only guess is Gorgon Cave."

E-"Gorgon cave gorgon cave gorgon cave....aha! It says it's 10 miles east from where we are right now."

"Well come one Euryale. Let's go get our sister."

It was already nighttime and we only walked 3 miles. We were exhausted and it was time to set up camp. We are so close. By morning, we will be with out sister.

*End of Stheno's POV*

*Back in Storybrooke*

*Emma's POV*

Wow. Who knew Hook can plan a perfect date. Or Killian? Jones? Nah. Hook has a nice hook to it. I haven't felt butterflies since--well I always do when I'm with him. All this mushy feelings makes me feel girly and I don't like it. Anyways, i'm happy Henry is okay with it. Ever since Neal died, I just felt like he wasn't going to accept Hook taking his father's place. He is completely accepting of it. I really do love that kid. I walk through the door and...

MM-"Emma! How was it? What'd you do? Where'd you go? Did you two kiss?"

D-"Mary Maragret--"

MM-"What! I wanna know this stuff! It's a girl thing you wouldn't understand."


"It went well as always. I don't kiss and tell."

MM-"Oh come one. You are such a killjoy."

"Sorry not sorry!"

H-"Hey mom."

"Henry shouldn't you bed in bed right now?"

H-"Yeah...but i'm just worried about my mom. She hasn't been the same since Robin Hood left and I need to be there for her."

"Aw kid. Henry, I understand you want to be with Regina but give her some extra time. Besides it's late, i'm tired and so should you. Can it wait till morning? I'll take you. Sounds like a plan?"

H-"Yeah, I'll wait until morning then. Goodnight everybody."


D-"I think we should get to bed too. It is pretty late. Goodnight Emma."

MM-"Goodnight Emma."


Regina is slowly recovering from losing Robin Hood. I think I might have to talk to her whether she likes it or not.

*End of Emma's POV*

*Medusa's POV*

"What kind of town is this? It's rather...bizarre. Could my sisters possibly be here? Well looks like I'm going to find them eventually but i'm getting a bit doozy. You would think there would be some sort of cabin or somewhere to sleep in."

*Looks around*

"Granny's Bed and Breakfast. Sounds promising."

*Walks toward and enters Granny's and enters*

"Oh what a quaint litte place..."

Granny-"Can I help you with something?"

"I need a place to sleep in."

G-"What kind of room? Forest view...square?"

"A what?"

G-"Forest view then. Now how kong were you planning on staying?"

"I wasn't planning on staying for long. I just need to...take care of some business."

G-"You can stay as long as you'd like. Alright here is your key and welcome to Storybrooke. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name.


"The names...Melissa and thank you. That's very kind."

*End of Medusa's POV*

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