Chapter 10 - Forgiveness

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Evangeline's POV:

I froze under his gaze. He pointed at the music I was playing.

“What is that?” I flinched at his tone. His eyes were glowing and even though I loved him right now I couldn't see any of it. I was scared. I had forgotten how tall he was until he towered over me. I felt like I was being burned with his golden eyes. Terror filled me. He pointed toward the torture chamber.

“Get out.” I opened my mouth to apologize. But he growled, “GET OUT!” I wanted to tell him I was sorry and wouldn't ever do it again but I realized there was no chance of him listening to me. I ran toward the torture chamber and found my way back. I ran into my dorm and flung myself on the bed. I couldn't think. I looked outside and saw that the moon was full. I had been in the lair for quite some time. I laid my head on the pillow and started to cry. I kept it down because I didn't want to wake everyone but I couldn't help but cry. I was so sorry and he wouldn't let me apologize. I loved him so. I hadn't ever meant to hurt him. My hand gripped the sheets as gut wrenching sobs filled my pillow. As last I realized I had to leave the dorm or I was going to wake everyone. I slipped on my robe and walked out. My cheeks were stained with tears and my shoulders still shaking a little. I felt drained emotionally and physically. I soon found myself at Box 5. I laid my head against the door and felt the tears still flowing. They were silent now and just poring down my cheeks. I fumbled with the door and walked in. I hadn't ever been in Box 5. It looked just like any other box but I knew this one was different. This was Erik's box. I sat down in one of the chairs and rocked slightly. I thought I heard a sound but I wasn't sure. Then I heard someone say,

“Ballet Rat, please forgive me. I shouldn't have shouted. Please forgive me!” I looked toward Erik and saw that he was on his knees with his head in his hands. My tears stopped, I was so shock. His shoulders were shaking and I could his quiet sobs. I stood up and knelt before him. I couldn't stand to see him crying. I laid my hand on his shoulder and said,

“Erik, I should be the one apologizing. I played your piano without asking. And I messed with your music. I shouldn't have done it. You had a right to get mad. Forgive me, Erik.” He looked up at me and I saw tears in those eye sockets. He shook his head.

“You were curious. My piano and my music may be dear to me but a friendship means more.” I gripped his shoulder tighter and wondered how he could be so boney and still alive.

“Erik, you are still by friend. One simply argument isn't going to change that. I'll forgive you for your outburst if that would make you feel better?” He nodded his head and I could see the pain in his golden eyes. I could see them now. The darkness made them glow. I smiled at him and said,

“Did anyone ever tell you that your eyes are beautiful?” He gasped and shook his head.

“No one. Never. My eyes are hated.” I shook my head.

“They are beautiful. Like a pair of flames burning. They look as if they could see into one's soul.” I released his shoulder and, standing up, sat back down in my chair. I was cold. I didn't realize how much energy crying had taken out of me. I shuddered and saw Erik move beside me. He saw my shudder and draped his cloak around me. The scent assaulted my nose and I couldn't help but smile. It had the strange scent of death and dampness on it. He always smelled like that. I guess it came from living in the damp and cold. I pulled it around me and smiled at him. Suddenly a question popped into my head.

“Where were you?” He looked at me and I could almost feel his frown.

“I had somethings to do with Christine. I promised her something.” I felt a stab of jealousy shoot through me. I was jealous of her beauty but she couldn't do anything about that. That had been how she was made. And her talents as well. That was who she was. But she had stolen the heart of the man I loved and though I knew they were right for each other I couldn't help but hate that I would never get to live the rest of my life at Erik's side. But, even though I didn't like to hear him say her name in such reverence I was still curious as to where he had been. So, I asked,

“What?” He shifted and said,

“I promised to play the violin for her at her father's grave.” I gasped.

“You play the violin?” He nodded.

“I love it more than my piano.” I smiled and said, jokingly,

“Remind me not to touch it.” He looked toward me and said,

“Do you know how to play the violin?” I nodded. My father had taught me something of it before he died as he had with the piano.

“My father taught me some. I always liked it more than the piano.” He seemed to be thinking something over and than he said slowly.

“I could teach you more if you wanted to.” I looked over at him in shock.

“You would teach me?” He nodded.

“That is if you want to learn. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do.” I laughed.

“Erik, I would love to know how to play the violin. As long as you won't get touchy about me touching it.” He shook his head.

“I won't. As long as I am there.” I took his hand in mine and I felt my eyes starting to droop. Just before I fell asleep, I whispered,

“Thank-you.” A moment later I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up sometime later when the sun was streaming into my face. I looked around me and saw that I was back in my bed and tucked in. I looked at the cloak that was still wrapped around me. It was his. I wrapped it tighter and smiled. Oh, how I loved this man! I wished he was free. But his heart was Christine's and with her it would remain. I at that moment determined I would do what I could to make him happy. If that meant he married Christine and left me in the dust, than I let him. He deserved to be happy.

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