Chapter 40 - Confused

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Evangeline's POV:

I sat down beside Erik and saw the shock on the face of Daroga. He stared at Erik and then at our hands as I took Erik's hand in mine. He shook his head and said,

“Erik?” Erik laughed.

“Pleased to see me?” He asked quietly. Daroga kept trying to clear his head.

“Shocked! Erik, you are supposed to be dead.” Erik chuckled and pulled me closer.

“It takes a lot to kill a ghost, old man.” Daroga laughed then asked,

“Erik, why are you here? I would have thought you hated me.” I couldn't see Erik's expression but I suspected he was smiling.

“I don't like you. You were a turncoat. You have Eva to thank for this. And don't forget, once a ghost always a ghost. Make me too angry I might just kill you.” Daroga rolled his eyes. Erik hissed, “I almost did it once.”

“I know, Erik. You were insane. I don't see it in your eyes anymore. I think you have changed. And I wish to apologize for helping Raoul. But I didn't know what you were going to do to that girl! You weren't to be trusted.” Erik sighed.

“Well, I guess you have a point. I forgive you. Just don't push me over the edge. Even Eva might not be able to stop me if I get too irritated.” It was then that Daroga seemed to notice the rings on our fingers. I could see what he was thinking.

“Erik, who is this girl to you?” Erik chuckled. I joined in.

“Daroga, allow me to introduce to you my wife Eva.” Daroga who had leaned back against his seat sat straight up and squeaked out,

“WIFE!” He then looked at my belly and said, “Don't tell me she is pregnant?” I nodded proudly and sat closer to Erik. Daroga just shook his head. I could tell he was in shock. I guess he had a right to be. After all, he thought Erik was dead but he now turned up with a wife and child. I would be surprised too if I were him.

“I never thought I would see this day. You told me that you were dying. I thought that I wouldn't ever see you again. You told me that you were dying of love!” Erik sighed. I could tell that it was still a slightly painful memory. Christine would always be a sore point with him. I just never brought her up. I didn't like thinking about her anyway. I looked into Erik's eyes and smiled as he started to tell Daroga what had happened.

“I will tell you the whole story. I met Eva when she fell into my torture chamber. The same one I almost killed you and Raoul in. I didn't feel like killing her. I let her live and took her back to the surface. Well, she came back. Luckily, I was in a good mood. We became friends. Yes, Daroga, I do have friends.” He said that because Daroga's eyes had shot up when he said that they had become friends. “To cut a long story short, she saved my life. We have been married a year as of a month ago.” Daroga shook his head and said,

“I still can't believe this. How far along are you, Madam?” I blushed and said,

“Four months.” He smiled and said,

“Well, looks like I might be an Uncle.” Erik glared.

“You are not my brother.” Daroga laughed. His laugh was pleasant and quite endearing.

“After all we have been through...” He trailed off and looked at me. I was suddenly curious. What had they been through together? I smiled and said,

“Where did you meet Erik, Daroga?” Erik shot a glare at me and then one at Daroga.

“Don't answer that, Daroga. She knows nothing of my past.” I looked at Erik. Something wasn't right in his tone. I wanted to know about his past but he wasn't going to talk. As he said that I suddenly had an insatiable curiosity to know what had happened to him. I looked at Daroga and he shrugged his shoulders.

“If that is your wish, Erik. But I think as your wife she should know.” Erik growled and Daroga drew back. Erik could be dangerous when he was angry. I wasn't going to push it now but I would later. It was time I learned what had happened to him.

We arrived at the house and showed Daroga into his room. It was late by now and I was tired. But I was on a mission to know what had happened to Erik and how Daroga had been involved. Erik and I laid down and as I laid my head on his chest, I whispered,

“Erik, tell me about your past.”

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