And Reality Goes On..

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Jane's P.O.V

I got up the next morning to the annoying sound of my alarm clock buzzing obnoxiously in my ear. As I got up to into the bathroom I heard my phone buzz from the top of my dresser.

'B ther in 30 n b ready this time' was what it said on my screen from my best friend Emma.

Great, now I had to be ready in 30 minutes or I'll have to listen to Emma give me another one of her 'You should really be more punctual' speeches again. Even though she is definitely not the most punctual person, she makes it her mission to keep me in line.

Putting my phone down, I trudged into the bathroom and took a good look at my messy brown morning hair.

I had make up from yesterday left around my eyes, and a nice big zit in the middle of my forehead.

"You're kidding me right?!" I said in a very pissed off tone 'cause I NEVER break out.

"You look perfect" he said while snaking his arms around my waist.

My heart skipped as he left butterfly kisses across my neck.

"You can't keep sneaking up on me like that. The one time you actually give me a heart attack, you'll be sorry.."

"I thought it was time for me to do this-"

He was cut off right before he kissed me as we hear the creak of our parents door open at the end of the hall.

Nash made a mad dash for the closet but wasn't so lucky to make it in time so he hopped into the shower, closing the curtain silently behind him.

"Good morning honey, how are you this morning? I didn't get to say goodnight because when I got home you had already gone to bed. Why so early?"my mother asked in an odd state of confusion.

I could tell Nash was smiling due to our whole 'me killing the mood' to go to bed.

"Oh umm I was just really tired and figured I could always use the sleep.." I lied hoping she would just buy it and move on with the conversation.

"Oh ok sweetie" she replied in a heap of defeat as I can only guess that she didn't really care.. Good.

I brushed my teeth, got dressed, and ate breakfast in record time to just make it outside to Emma's car. As we drove away I saw Nash leaving the house to get into his own car and head to school.

I winked at him to just in time see him send me a smile and blow a kiss with his sexy full lips.

The ride to school was a long one as I tried to avoid Emma's questions on why I never called her back last night.

"I told you I just fell asleep"I said slightly annoyed 'cause she was making it really hard to get her off my case.

"Fine, then I guess you just 'fell asleep at 7:30' 'cause that's what you usually do.." She replied sarcastically, so I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I don't always stay up and party you know.." I said trying to figure out why a normal 16 yr old girl can't go to bed when she wants to. Like really, why is everyone so far today so surprised that I sleep? I'm supposed to get 9 hrs aren't I? Gosh.

"Mhmm sure, you got away this time but next time I want his name"

How does she always seem to know things without me telling her? This whole 'you know your best friend better than anyone else' thing is totally true because she read me like an open book.

Instead of trying to argue my case I just gave up with a pitiful "fine" and looked out the window the rest of the ride.


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