What I'm Willing to Give

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Jane's P.O.V

"We can't' I said trying to think logically though all the ecstasy running through my viens.

"Yes we can" he said while rubbing my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. I moaned as I felt his lips on my neck slowly moving there way up to mine.

"If we get caught it's gonna be hard to explain.." I said trying to get him to listen.

"Shh our parents are out for another hour don't be such a mood killer" he said trying to lighten the worry that was built up inside me, it worked. Just looking into his beautiful eyes made me weak in the knees. I made a pouting face to make him say sorry. He reached down and lifted my chin so our faces were only inches apart.

"Don't worry baby, nothing will happen. I'm hear for you and I always will be."

I couldn't help the smile that came across my face as I let his words sink in and played them over in my head. He was hear for me and for one of the first times in my life I felt so safe being in someone's arms.

All of a sudden I was ripped out of my thoughts when his lips touched mine.

He quickly took dominance over the kiss when his tongue swept over my bottom lip so I let him in. He tasted and felt so good I might have let him have me right there, if rational thoughts hadn't envaded my bliss-filled mind.

"Nash I have to go to bed and so do you, we have school tomorrow" I said terribly disappointed, but relieved i had stopped there.

"Come on our parents aren't gonna get home for another hour.. you know what we could do in an hour?" he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestivly.

"Yes I know exactly what we can do, but we can also go to our own rooms" I said pointing at him to go to his room " And we can both go to sleep" I said with a smile on my face 'cause I knew that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

"You're so stubborn" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"And you don't take no very easily do you?" I said with a chuckle.

I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed at my joke. I put my hands on his chest to get a better feeling at his chiseled beautiful body. He was so perfect.

"No i don't.. I get lonely in my room all by myself" he said with a big pout trying to make me feel bad.

"It's not gonna happen so you better deal with the disappointment now rather than later when your all alone in your room.." I said mockingly making fun of his failed attempt at making me feel bad.

"Fine I guess so.. but one more thing."

"What's that?"

"This" is all he said before his lips were on mine. We slowly backed up till my back hit my closet door with a low thud.

I felt his hands slowly rome my body until they met my thighs and he pulled me up. I immmediatly put my legs around his waist as our mouths moved in sync. I could feel the excitment in his pants and it made me moan into his mouth, at which i could feel the corners of his mouth turn up in amusement.

It felt like the only thing that had been truly right I my life since before i can remember. When I was little my Dad left my Mom and I for his other lover and never looked back. We had always struggled to get what we had and it made me happy inside to think about how my Mom didn't have to work as hard anymore.. Nash and his Dad were the best thing to happen for me and my Mother, although no one knew about Nash and I's secret love for each other I'm hoping one day they will. That's if our parents don't kill us first.

Feeling Nash grab my butt and squeeze it, I moaned as I felt a shudder run down my back at all the pleasure he made me feel that I've never felt before. I wimpered as his lips left mine and started kssing down my neck and across my collar bone. In response to my pleasure I ground my hips agains his, throwing my head back and smiling knowing I had control over the pleasure he got out of me. His kssing stopped as he let out a deep moan from my actions and he kissed me again. This kiss was different though; much more full of lust and passion until I pulled away.

The look of disappointment on his face from me breaking away from the kiss made my heart ache, but I had to stand my ground now.

Slowly putting me down I looked up at him to see he was watching, waiting for my next move.

"What?" I asked really confused.

"You're so beautiful"

If I wasn't for his hand that had come up to caress my cheek, I would have thought he was just trying to get in my pants.

"You still have to go to your room you know."

He chuckled while his breath-taking smile spread across his face, "I know, I know. I'm on my way out now" he turned and went to go out my bedroom door.

"Wait" I whispered not really knowing if it was to him or to me.

I grabbed his arm and he turned around confused. I looked him dead in the eyes before I got up on my tippytoes and kissed him with all I had. I felt his eyes flutter shut before he kissed me back.

"What was that?" he asked slightly flustered when we finally parted.

"That was me showing you how beautiful you are" I said shyly looking at me feet.

"Goodnight Janey"

"Goodnight Nash"

I watched as he left my room and he waved before going into his room across the hall like none of this ever happened.

I layed down on my bed and thought about us, how people might take it, how our parents might take it.. how my best friend might take it after she stops drooling over 'my new live in boy toy' as she calls him. I fell asleep thinking that these next months... They are going to be very interesting..

**Ok so I hope you guys liked it!it was kinda short but thins is my first story so I'm trying.. Like I said in my profile, I'm just warming up so please bare with me! I have potential I swear! Haha but anyways comment please!! I'd really oh so love to hear what you guys have to say.. Vote too and tell ur friends about me! Jeez.. I never noticed how desperate I sound but I really want people to read and suggest things to me.... So ok then I think I've said enough..

Love u guys!! Peace ;)

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