Secrets Don't Make Friends

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Jane's P.O.V

I woke up peacefully with no alarm clock because it was Saturday, and who wants to wake up early on a Saturday morning?

I looked hazily over towards my nightstand to where my clock was. 9:30.. Perfect timing. There was sunshine shining beautifully through the creases of my curtains. I love mornings but just don't like getting up, how ironic.

I promised Emma I would go over her house today but I still had like an hour till I would leave.

I got out of my bed, stretched, and made my way down stairs so I could grab some breakfast to start my day of on a good foot.

As I opened my door, the aroma of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fresh made coffee filled my nose.

"Mmmm" I hummed to myself with a smile wondering what the special occasion was. I was just gonna get cereal..

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked through our decent sized living room and into our kitchen.

Standing there over the stove was Nash.

I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table taking all of his elements in, waiting for him to notice I was watching him.

His tight muscles went all up his back till they met his strong neck. His hair was all messed up from sleeping but still managed to turn me on. The only thing he was wearing were a pair of boxers, but it didn't seem unusual after last night..' What I could do to that body.. Just run my fingers down to his-'

"It's not polite to stare" his deep voice shot me out of my thoughts making my cheeks burn.

"Sorry" I mumbled with a small smile. I should really keep my dirty thoughts till when I'm alone..

I looked up and he was standing there with two plates filled with a mountain of food that looked like enough to feed four of me. Is he trying to make me fat??

"Where are our parents?" I asked when he put a plate in front of me and one across from me where he would be sitting.

"They left earlier, said they had some Christmas shopping to do" he said shrugging his shoulders. "So I figured since we have the house to ourselves, I should make you breakfast to start your day off well" he said with a smile on his face after he returned to the table with 2 cups of coffee. It's like he reads my mind sometimes.. And this is just what I needed; breakfast with him.

"We'll thank you very much" I managed to say before diving into my delicious breakfast.


After eating we did the dishes together, yet made a bigger mess because we got into a water fight. Call me childish but it was still really fun.

Then we went up to my room where we laid on my bed and cuddled for a little before I broke the silence.

"I'm gonna tell Emma today."

"Tell Emma what?"

"About us.. I feel like I'm not being a good best friend by keeping this from her" I said trying to figure out why his face was showing he didn't like the idea one bit.

"Why are you gonna tell her?? What if she tells someone? Then we have to tell everybody!"

I sat up shocked at his reaction. What had him so rye-led up?? Had I really said something that harmful?

"What's your problem all of a sudden?? What you don't believe in the trust I have in my best friend? Do you think I have a bad judgement or something??" I said feeling the anger of what he had said run through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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