Chapter 7: The Battle Begins

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The news was buzzing with the information on Hawkmoth and Mayura's identities they fled the mansion before the cops could arrive to arrest them (or should I say Agreste them... no... okay I'll stop). They were hiding in an abandoned warehouse in a run down part of the city trying to come up with a plan of action. They have succeeded more then ever they must destroy Ladybug and Cat Noir before they catch them.

After deliberating for awhile they came up with a plan and it was now or never.


Meanwhile at the Bakery

Marinette and Adrien were cuddled up on Marinette's chaise with Adrien curled up on Marinette and his face is buried in the nook of her neck and is crying. While Marinette is holding tightly and running her fingers throughout his hair.

Marinette had texted Alya and Nino that Adrien was over at her house and they came over and saw the sight before them. They let go so that way they could give Adrien comfort.

"Adrien are you okay?" Nino asked very worried.

"Well I'm better now that I'm here." Adrien replied looking over at Marinette.

"Well now that you two are here I wanna give you guys something." Marinette said to Alya and Nino.

Marinette walked over to where she is hiding the miracle box and pulled out the Fox and Turtle miraculous's.

"Wait a minute what are you doing." Alya asked.

"Rena Rouge and Carapace we need you help." Marinette said.

"Wait you knew we were Rena Rouge and Carapace?!" Alya exclaimed.

"Of course, I mean who else gave you the miraculous?" Marinette asked.

"So you're Ladybug?" Nino asked.

"And I'm Cat Noir." Adrien said standing up from the chaise and putting his arm around Marinette.

"Wait are you guys a thing now." Alya asked with excitement, but before they could answer they heard a loud explosion coming from outside and they ran to Marinette's window. They saw smoke coming from different parts of the city and they all run downstairs to see the news that Hawkmoth and Mayura have started to put their plan into motion.

They all ran back upstairs and transformed but before they could leave. Ladybug had a task for each of them.

"Okay guys listen up we are gonna need some help with this mission so I am assigning each of you a miraculous to take and give to." Ladybug said grabbing some miraculous'. "Rena Rouge you will be in charge of Queen Bee and Pegasus, so give the miraculous to Chloé and Max." Ladybug said giving the miraculous' to Rena Rouge.

"Wait Max is Pegasus!" Rena Rouge exclaimed.

"Yes now Carapace I need you to give the monkey miraculous to Kim." Ladybug said handing Carapace the box.

"Can do dudette." Carapace said giving her a thumbs up.

"Cat you will get Viperion and Bunnix you already know who they are." Ladybug said giving the miraculous' to Cat Noir.

"What are you gonna do?" Rena Rouge asked.

"I will be getting Ryuko and a new Multi-Mouse."Ladybug answered.

"Wait who are you gonna give the Mouse to?" Cat Noir asked.

"You will have to find out later but tell your people to meet up at the Eiffel Tower." Ladybug told them and they nodded in response.

And with that they all dispersed and went to find their assigned miraculous holder.

First Rena Rouge went to Max and gave him the miraculous and then followed her to Chloé so she could get her miraculous. Soon Carapace went and found Kim so they could have King Monkey. Cat Noir went to Luka and Alix to give them their miraculous'. Finally Ladybug went to Kagami then to Mylene and they all met up at the Eiffel Tower.

They met up and it was great to have the whole team to work together and finally defeat Hawkmoth and Mayura.

They soon heard a noise coming from the southwest and they all turned and saw the butterfly sentimonster and on it was Hawkmoth and Mayura flying towards them and they also noticed something or rather someone...

Volpina is on the Butterfly with Hawkmoth and Mayura. With that Ladybug was thinking 'Emma where are you we could reallu use your help.' Right as she was thinking that a portal opened up in the sky and a fighter jet came flying it circled around the Eiffel Tower and they saw the pilot. It was Alix as an adult and someone else. The back of the plane opened up in mid air and a bunch of people came jumping out.

They counted 18 people started falling and as they were getting closer they saw that they were miraculous holders.

List of Miraculous Holders (I did make up some of the hero's)
Ladybug-Ladybug-Emma Agreste
Cat Noir-Black Cat-Hugo Agreste
Sapphire-Peacock-Louisa Agreste
Rena Rouge-Fox-Bianca Lahiffe
Carapace-Turtle-Antton Lahiffe
Queen Bee-Bee-Alice Graham de Vanily
Ryuko-Dragon-Kenzo Tsurugi
Viperion-Snake-Matthew Couffaine
Pegasus-Horse-Jenna Kanté
King Monkey-Monkey-Jackson Le Chien
Bunnix-Bunny-Kaylin Kubdal
Multimouse-Mouse-Maria Bruel
Bullock-Ox-Charlie Bruel
Sabre-Tiger-Cecelia Couffaine
Boara-Pig-Rebecca Lavillent
Cockpit-Rooster-Gideon Kurtzberg
Wolfclaw-Dog-Sara Raincomprix
Capra-Goat-Valeria Anciel

They landed around the current heroes and they were all shocked. They would take care of introductions later but for now the time has come to fight and end this all...
So keep reading to find out how this fight is gonna go down. Let me tell you it was so hard to come up with names for the superheroes names for the ox, tiger, pig, rooster, dog, and goat so I hope you like what I came up with. And remember when this story hits 1k views I will do a face reveal so come on you have done it with my previous stories and I know you can do it again. Until next time... BYE!!!!

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