Never have I ever

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"Really? Wow Negan. That's crazy." Aaron states, his mood has changed a lot in the past couple of hours. "Yeah. Straight up. Never again though. I couldn't sleep for a fucking week." He laughs. "Okay. My turn." Aaron starts. "Never have I ever... been in prison!"
"Afraid I have." Negan chuckled. Aaron's eyes widen in shock. "Seriously?! What for?" He asks, genuinely interested. Negan thinks back to that little girl he and Lucille used to look after. Jennifer was her name. "This kid was being beaten by her dad. Let's just say after I was finished with him, he was shitting sideways for a month." Negan smiles, and it gets a laugh out of Aaron. "So it was assault?" "Yeah." Negan replies. "I was only in the cell for the night though. Because the next day, shit hit the fan and the undead fucks were every where... Luci- this lady I knew, she saved my bacon and let me out of the cell." He explained, thinking back to that day. "What did you used to do for a living?" Aaron asked. Interested in his new friends life. Negan appreciates the question as it shows be genuinely cares. Negan uses the wall as his pillow as he tilts his head back and looks up into the fluorescent light. "I had a couple jobs." He begins. "I was a private coach for kids at school. Would train them for different sports and I was fucking good at it. The other one was a bit more boring but it paid well. I sold cars." Negan explains. Aaron just listened. "It was good. I had a good house. Good everything. But I nearly fucked it up that day." Negan says, still looking at the ceiling. "Negan... can I ask you something?" Aaron says. "Sure."
"You nearly mentioned a name before. You said, Luci- and you stopped." He states. "Who was that?" Aaron asks. Negan thinks about it for a moment, wondering if he should tell him. It's always hard talking about her, but maybe after destroying the bat, he's discovered a new strength within himself. And Aaron seems like a good guy to talk to, he's friendly. His extra layer of fat adds to his friendly appearance. "Lucille." He begins.

Aaron doesn't say anything. He knows this must be a sensitive subject for Negan because of the amount of reluctance to even say her name. "She was my wife. I lost her. Obviously. I don't like going into too much detail. But I was a piece of fucking shit. I was unfaithful with her." Negan says and feels a tear swelling up in his eyes, which he fights back. Aaron speaks up now. "I'm married. My wife, she's still alive as far as I'm aware. We had a bit of a falling out a few days ago. I came up here to clear my head and... got hungry. Found this place and before I knew it, I was beaten to a pulp and thrown in the shed." Negan listens to every word despite not looking at him. He stares at his feet which still have traces of moss and grass and water. Also a little blood from the two zombies he killed.
"I used to be a fisherman. Had been for fifteen years. That's how I met my wife." He says, a smile begins to form at the thought of his wife. "Any kids?" Negan asks without thinking and instantly bit his tongue in anger. It may be a touchy subject. "No. We planned on having kids for a long time but I think it's a little pointless these days." Aaron explains. Negan nodded in agreement. "It's just been me and my wife on the road for the past couple of years." He explains. "You?"
Negan thinks for a moment and chews his bottom lip. "I ran my own group." He explains, wiping his forehead with his free hand. "Really? What happened, if you don't mind me asking." He says, intrigued.
"I fucked up."
"Lets just say I got a little too comfortable being in charge." Negan explained, looking at his cut up hands. "You were overthrown?" Aaron asked. Negan looked at him impressed. "Yeah. Of sorts." He replied.

There's a moment that passes between them. A silence as they both hear heavy footsteps outside of the door. A shadow and two feet, white sneakers appear under the door through the tiny crack. There's a horrible moment of silence before the feet leave. "He or she was probably listening in. Making sure we weren't planning shit." Negan said. Aaron nodded, much calmer now than before. Negans pep talk about being a man definetly sunk in.
"How were you overthrown?" Aaron asks, not at all concerned with the group of 'Royal Factions' out there now. "This guy, his name was Rick. He pulled together an army of people to unite against me. It fucking worked too. He even had my people turn against me." Negan explains. "Damn man. That's a tough break." Aaron says, sympathetic. "It's alright. It's not like I didn't deserve it. I killed some of his friends. Broke his leg and did a lot of bad shit. I wasn't exactly the best leader either. I deserved what I got." Negan explains. "Instead of killing me, he decided it was better if I lived. Make an example of how his way was the right way. He had a point." Aaron listened carefully. "I'm shocked he even let me go. He had me as a prisoner for a couple years. I thought I was gonna fucking lose it. But, no. I made it and I'm still alive." Negan says, nodding in defiance.

Their conversation is cut off briefly when the door swings open. Chuck stands there with his large machete. He smiles and through his thick ginger beard, Negan can see he has yellow and black teeth. "You ever heard of a fucking toothbrush?" Negan asked. Aaron chuckles. "You've piped up, fat boy." Chuck says to Aaron through his hard southern accent. "Fat boy? You're one to talk." Aaron argues back, looking at Chucks heavy gut, hanging over his belt. Negan laughs. "I'd be pretty fucking suprised if you can see your dick over that bitch." Negan mocks, and Aaron let's out another laugh.
Chucks smile hasn't gone. In fact, it's even bigger now. "Laugh it up fellas. You're both gonna need that humour. Because you're both gonna end up on the slab. You first." Chuck says, pointing his machete at Aaron. "What's that supposed to mean?" Aaron asks, his fear sneakily creeps into his voice. Negan notices. "Take it easy, bud." Negan says, shooting Aaron a quick glance. "Oh I wouldn't take it easy if I were in your position." Chuck says, placing the machete over his shoulder. "What?" Aaron asks. Clearly scared. Negan sighs out of frustration. "Oh yeah. The slab is where we chop you up into little bits and pieces. Get you ready for dinner!" He says in his raspy voice. Aaron begins letting out small panicked breaths. Chuck laughs. "You are so fucking lucky I've got these cuffs on." Negan growls. "Save your energy. You're gonna need it for where you're going." Chuck chirps. "We'll see motherfucker." Negan says, still not taking his eyes off of him. Chuck leaves and turns the light off so its pitch black. He whistles a tune familiar to Negans ears yet he can't quite place it. When the door shuts, all Negan is left with is the rumbling sounds of the emergency generator and Aaron's panicked breaths.

To be continued...

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