1.22 | Baboons High on Babbling Beverage

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This chapter is dedicated to luci586 and astridgrace-


On Monday morning, Margaret woke up with a horrible pain in her lower back that only meant one thing.

She turned onto her stomach and groaned into her pillow. After a few minutes of muttering swear words under her breath, she crawled out of bed.

Before taking a shower, Margaret dragged herself out of her room and down the hall, hitting her head thrice on the second to last door on the right, that she knew to be the dorm room Hermione, Ginny, Lavender and Parvati shared. The pain that erupted in her forehead was nothing compared to the cramps she was gifted with every month.

Thankfully it was Hermione who opened it, being the early riser she was.

"Oh, good morning Margaret - what's wrong?" says Hermione, frowning at her bent over friend.

"What do you do when mother nature gives you the monthly subscription gift?"

"What?" Hermione asks, confused.

"When Japan's flag makes too much sense, ya know," she groans back. Hermione looked even more perplexed.

"What do girls here do when it's a full moon for them and they turn into grumbling monsters?" Margaret rephrases because she really was starting to feel like a grumbling monster. A very tired, grumbling monster, hunched over by the opposite wall while holding her abdomen that hurt like a beyotch.

Hermione only gave her groggy friend an odd look. "What in the world do you mean, Margaret?"

"I mean," says she exasperatedly, "what do you do when you have your period, Hermione?"

Hermione's mouth formed an 'O' in realisation and she nodded in understanding. "You should've just said so. We go to Madam Pomfrey - but wait, you have it now, don't you? Wait here."

"Where am I even going to go?" Margaret mumbles under her breath when Hermione disappears behind the half-open door. A moment later, Ginny appeared in her place.

"Wotcher, Margie," she greets cheerfully but only receives a groan in response. Ginny laughs. "Hermione's just told me it's your - hem hem - full moon."

"Please don't," Margaret whines. "It's bad enough we have a double lecture with old toad-face today, I don't need any more of her toad-ness in my life."

Ginny laughs again, "I agree."

Hermione returned, opening the door wider so that she can see Margaret leaning on the opposite wall and smiled sympathetically.

"Here," she says, holding out a small pouch with a teddy bear illustration on it. Margaret took it, glancing at her in question. "We can get Madam Pomfrey's sanitary napkins today after classes. They are quite nice - last longer and have some sort of permanent perfume spell. For now, that has some muggle pads in it. My parents don't really understand Pomfrey's way and insist I have some for emergencies."

"Good thing you do," Margaret remarks. "Thanks so much, you two. Sorry for bothering you this early."

"No worries," Hermione smiles. "What are friends for?"

At breakfast, Margaret was more miserable than ever. So much that the twins took one glance at her with her head resting on the table, her plate empty in front of her, and exchanged a look. Meanwhile, Ron was trying to convince her to eat.

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