1.11 | Umbridge

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Double potions. Over an hour with the cheery bloke named Severus Snape. Oh, joy.

The morning had changed in the hour and a half they had spent in Transfiguration. Margaret noticed that a slight mist had fallen over the courtyard, making the people huddled outside seem blurred at the edges, and the air was colder.

Ron and Hermione were once again bickering about something. House-elves, to be specific. They kept on squabbling all the way down to the dungeon and seeing as it filled the silence, Harry and Margaret didn't bother to make small talk even as they joined the queue lining up outside Snape's classroom door.

Margaret walked into the said classroom with the trio, noticing the cold stares that Harry was getting from the students. Their own classmates shot Harry looks of suspicions, some of them even stopped talking abruptly, indicating that they were likely talking about him.

Harry seemed unaware of it all for the time being, which was good, but it bothered her to no end.

As Margaret fisted her hands in annoyance, she suddenly heard a wolf whistle from the front. She did not turn her head to look at them, squaring her shoulders as chuckles followed the vulgar whistle which was obviously aimed at her.

Hermione looked up to glare at whoever it was, gripping Margaret's arm and pulling her down to sit on their usual table at the back, quickly forgetting her argument with Ron. Harry and Ron, oblivious to what had just happened, took seats on the bench in front of the two girls.

"Bloody brilliant, Theo," Pansy commented, her sharp eyes glaring at Margaret. As if feeling the gaze, she looked up, causing Pansy to shoot the girl a self-satisfied smirk.

The group of Slytherins watched as, much to their surprise and Pansy's annoyance, Margaret raised a brow as if saying 'is that the best you can do?'

Then her eyes shifted to Draco who was sat beside Theo and she smirked at him challengingly, instead of at Pansy, knowing very well that it would burn her more.

Without waiting to see their reaction, she turned back to the front.

"That... bitch," sneered Pansy, her hand wrapped tightly around the handle of her wand.

"Pansy, it's okay, she's probably a mudblood. Not worth our time," Daphne tried to reason.

"Exactly why she would pay for that!" Pansy snaps, turning on her friend instead. "Why? Do you want to take her place?"

Daphne flinched, looking down at her lap and shaking her head. "No, no. I'm just saying that... you- we shouldn't get in trouble in class... you can- we can outside..."

"She hasn't done anything to us," Blaise speaks up.

"And she's hot," says Theo, looking towards Draco, hoping he'd agree.

Draco Malfoy still had his eyes trained on the girl but he had zoned out. He always liked a challenge and Margaret had just given him one. Not to mention, he was still supposed to find out her blood status, as useless as he thought it was, because he knew his mother would not stop pestering him about it.

He was yet to receive a letter from her but he knew he would receive one by the end of this week and she would question him about it. He did not understand why her bloodline mattered but with everything that was going on, he didn't question it.

No other word was exchanged between the Slytherins as the door closed and a quiet fell over the classroom, indicating that Snape had just walked into the classroom. Draco turned back to the front.

Margaret listened to Snape as he gave a short speech on scrapping up an 'Acceptable' in Potions, and sighed. She had noticed his glare lingering on poor Neville before he had turned his beady eyes on her as if daring her to go against him.

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