1.31 | Magical Maladies and Mishaps

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(See A/N at the end)


Once they had had their Christmas lunch, the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Margaret were planning to pay Mr Weasley another visit, escorted by Mad-Eye and Lupin.

Fred and George were somehow still struggling to open her gift, much to Margaret's amusement.

Mundungus turned up in time for pudding and trifle, having managed to "borrow" a car for the occasion, as the Underground did not run on Christmas Day.

Margaret had a feeling that the owner of the car neither had the knowledge of nor gave the consent for, it being taken. It had a similar Enlarging Spell put upon it as the Weasleys' old Ford Anglia – normally proportioned on the outside, but eleven people with Mundungus driving were able to fit into it quite comfortably.

Mrs Weasley hesitated at the point of getting inside, her disapproval of Mundungus battling with her dislike of travelling without magic; finally, the cold outside and her children's pleading triumphed and she settled herself into the backseat between George and Bill with good grace.

"Hey," says Fred, grinning, as Margaret ended up between him and Hermione, who was next to Harry and Ron.

"Hi," she says. "What's up?"

"The roof," he says, making her roll her eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes and they might fall off one day."

"Keep doing that and I might have to shut you up," she tells him, and his eyes widen playfully.

"Hmm... Sounds like a rather difficult task," he says, leaning closer.

"Not that difficult," she mutters as the car rumbled to life, "Not difficult at all."

"Are you sure, Margie? I've been told I'm a charming talker- what's that?"

Margaret had removed her pocket cassette player with the dual earphones from her side bag. She held a pair out to Fred.

"What's this, you ask? It's magic of music, Gred" she informs, putting her own earphone in. "Put these in your ears."

He looked down at them distrustfully and glanced up at her. She urged him on and he raised an eyebrow, finally putting them in. Pressing play, Margaret adjusted the tape for the slight static to clear and I'll Be There For You by The Rembrandts started playing in their ears.

Fred flinched at first but got the hang of it as the song went on, nodding his head along to the beat. He even started mumbling the chorus, and Margaret didn't realize she was staring at him until he looked back at her, an excited expression on his face.


The car swerved dangerously and everyone turned to him, startled at his random outburst.

Margaret pulled one earphone from his ear. "You're yelling, Fred," she tells him lowly, amused.

"Blimey," he says, smiling sheepishly at everyone before looking back at her and whispering, "This is really good!"

"I know, right? Wait until you watch Friends," she says, changing the cassette to Pulp's new album Different Class.

"What's that?"

"Friends is a television show. It's quite popular and it's absolutely hilarious; I think you'll really like this character named Joey..." she rants on while adjusting the cassette, before noticing his half-confused and half-amused expression; she gives him a shy smile, "Sorry... I'll show it to you someday though."

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