You Got a Dog!?

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short fluff


Stiles is what you'd call a worrier. He worries too much about everything and everyone, but he can't help it. Ever since his mother died, all Stiles has time for is worrying about his dad eating healthy and staying safe protecting his hometown, Scott turning to a werewolf while they were still in school, trying to solve multiple murders, making sure his grades aren't slipping and finally trying to befriend the other wolf pack in Beacon Hills.

But all of that is over now, except forcing his dad to eat vegetables, Stiles has finally graduated and Derek's pack welcomed Scott and Stiles with open arms. So this summer was going to be awesome. Except, he hasn't heard from Derek in a whole week.

A few years ago when Scott was freshly turned, Derek would rarely pick up Stiles' many calls, but things were different now. They were all different now, and Stiles would call Derek multiple times a week just to make sure they had snacks for pack-night or update him about weird information he found online. So why wasn't he answering his phone?

If John thought Stiles had been worried three days ago, it's nothing compared to the nervous bundle of walking nerves that Stiles is currently. John placed his now empty coffee cup on the table, making Stiles jump and look up from where he had been zoning out.

"Would you please, for the love of everything that's holy, take the Jeep and go to the loft." Stiles' hands were clammy from sweat from holding his phone too tight, waiting for Derek to call him back. John raised an eyebrow and cocked his head towards the door before he returned to reading the newspaper. Stiles nodded and stood up to grab his keys.

"See you later, daddio!" John waved his hand without diverting his eyes from the paper.

Stiles parked his car outside of Derek's loft, after slamming the door shut he began walking towards the door.

"Derek?" he called, shutting the door behind him. It was awfully quiet and no lights were on. Stiles flipped the switch and looked around as the apartment filled with light. With some help from the pack, Derek had made sure the loft were now a lot more inviting, with dark green walls and lots of couches and beanbags to match and fit all of the pack. Stiles also noticed how cold it was inside, so he walked towards the living area to close a window that had been left open. When he turned around to go check Derek's bedroom for some clues, there was a large black dog standing in front of him. Stiles yelped, placing a hand over his heart as he calmed himself down.

"Dude! Don't fucking sneak up on me like that, you almost killed me!" the large dog barked, shaking its tail. "Oh, you thought that was funny huh? Bad dog! By the way, have you seen Derek?" the dog whined and sat down on the floor in front Stiles. He could seriously not believe that Derek had bought a dog and not told him about it. Why would he even get a dog in the first place, were his packmates not like dogs already!? Stiles sighed and took a seat on the couch before looking over at the giant dog that now had his tongue out while looking up at him.

"Guess it's just me and you buddy. Are you hungry?" Stiles laughed as the dog howled at him and followed him to the kitchen. Stiles filled a big bowl with fresh water and looked around in the fridge for some dog food. Did Derek seriously get a dog and not any food for it? Or maybe he was one of those owners that only fed fresh foods like meat and vegetables? Either way, the only thing in Derek's fridge were two boxes of protein powder, who the hell stocks that in the fridge anyways? Stiles closed the fridge with a sigh as he moved towards the door instead, opening it up and whistling for the dog to follow him.

"Please, please, please don't run away from me when I let you out, okay? Derek would literally kill me if I lost his dog." Blue eyes stared at Stiles' own brown ones and the dog yipped before trotting outside, looking over its shoulder to make sure Stiles would follow it.

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