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Stiles threw a handful of mountain-ash at the Beta that had jumped on him, not wasting another second as the human pushed the werewolf off of him, leaving it on the ground to whine in pain. He stood up, ignoring the warm sticky liquid that was currently gushing out of his arm and took a look around. Scott was busy ripping the head off of one of the Alphas, Erica and Boyd had taken cover behind some bushes, waiting for Erica's legs to heal while Derek wrestled two Betas to stop them from hurting Isaac any further. Stiles took off sprinting towards the blond boy, jumping over a severed head that Scott had thrown his way and pulled out the pouch of ash, hurriedly spreading it out in a circle around his hurt pack-mate Isaac. He sat down inside of the circle, wincing at the sounds of his pack growling and whining in pain while he scooped up Isaac's head and placed it in his lap. Isaac opened his eyes and smiled as Stiles ran his fingers through the wild mop of curls, coloring the hair red from blood.

"You're going to be alright, buddy. Just keep your eyes open for me, okay?" Stiles whispered soothingly and Isaac tried his best to nod. He continued whispering soothing words to the younger werewolf as he watched his friends around him, fighting for their lives. Derek jammed his claws through one of the Betas throat as Scott finished off the werewolf that had attacked Stiles earlier. Boyd and Erica emerged from the shadows when the coast was clear, she held on to Boyd as she limped her way over to Stiles, the rest of the pack soon following. Stiles broke the circle of ash, allowing Derek to step inside and care for Isaac.

"You're bleeding." Derek growled as he grabbed Stiles' wrist, inspecting the wounds on his arm, Stiles sighed as he drew some of the pain away.

"Let's go home, yeah?" Stiles offered while Boyd had removed his shirt to tie it around the human's arm to stop some of the bleeding. The pack nodded and helped each other on their walk back to the Hale house.


Kira arrived shortly after they'd made it to the Hale house, Scott had called her for an emergency pack-meeting. Stiles sat cross-legged on the kitchen island, dabbing at the wounds on his arm while he waited for Derek to come back with a bandage. The rest of the pack were seated on the couch in the living room, discussing the surprise attack and if they were to expect another one.

Stiles cursed at the stinging and tossed the bloody cotton in the sink behind him. Derek waltzed in with a frown as he bandaged Stiles' arm. The human stared at the wall in front of him and tried his best not to flinch when Derek tightened the bind. The older man studied his face with concern, carefully touching Stiles' cheek.

"You look like you fought well." Stiles huffed, meeting Derek's eyes for the first time that night. The werewolf gave him a small smile.

"I'm alright. No need to baby me." Derek furrowed his eyebrows in question and Stiles sighed. "I know I'm the weak link, Derek. But that doesn't mean all of you have to look out for me all the time. If I die saving you guys, I'll forgive all of you."

"If you die without me being able to rescue you, I won't forgive myself." Derek retorted, crossing his arms across his chest with a stern look on his face. Stiles gave him a reassuring smile and jumped down from the counter, making his way towards the living room. He took a seat next to Isaac who was holding a pack of ice to his head. The blond man grinned at him and Stiles patted his thigh as he redirected his focus to the conversation that was going on.

"I just got off the phone with Jackson and Lydia. Her theory is that it was just a stray pack looking for a place to stay since her powers didn't warn her about it yesterday." Kira said and sat down next to her boyfriend Scott again.

"They could've just asked us instead of attacking Erica." Boyd voiced, placing a protective arm around Erica's shoulders. Erica's legs were healing, but it would take a few days before she was going to be able to walk properly again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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