You Got A Dog!? Part 2

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Warning: smut


Stiles woke up seated on a couch. He rapidly blinked as he took in his surroundings. The dark green walls indicated that he had fallen asleep at the loft. His fingers were still buried in Grumpy's soft fur, and he absentmindedly stroke the dog's head, leaning back into the couch to rest his head against the wall. He froze when suddenly his fingers were grazing warm skin and not Grumpy's luscious locks. Carefully glancing down towards his lap, he saw none other than Derek Hale, a very naked Derek Hale, sprawled over his legs. Derek was still asleep, nose twitching slightly when Stiles removed his hands from his naked body.

"Derek?" he whispered, not wanting to scare the older man. Derek groaned, moving his head closer to Stiles' stomach, a small content smile adored his lips. "Derek!" Stiles dug his finger between Derek's ribs, afraid that Derek would shoot up from the couch and growl at Stiles for touching him. Even though he was the one draped over Stiles' jeans clad legs.

Derek opened his eyes, a small frown replacing the smile as he slowly sat up next to Stiles, examining his arms and chest like he didn't believe he was in fact a human. The younger boy watched him silently, eyes laced with concern. "Okay, you're officially scaring me. I'm gonna call Scott." Derek nodded as he leaned back, not caring to cover himself with a blanket. Stiles picked up his phone from the floor and went to the kitchen.


"Scott you need to get over here right now! Derek is back."


Twenty minutes later and the living room was filled with the pack, all waiting for Derek to come back down from his shower. Stiles joined Isaac on the couch, coming back from where he had been outside calling for Grumpy. This whole situation was incredibly weird, first Derek disappears and when he comes back Grumpy's gone?

"So what happened?" Lydia voiced, fingers intertwined with Jackson's.

Stiles looked up from where he had been staring at his hands. "Derek was gone for like three weeks and then all of a sudden he was butt-naked, asleep, and draped over my lap." Lydia cocked one eyebrow at him in disbelief. Erica burst out laughing from where she was seated on Boyd's lap.

"Has he told you?" Boyd asked, placing a hand over his girlfriend's mouth to silence her.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "Told me what?" the pack groaned, Scott opened his mouth but shut it quickly when Derek entered the room, with clothes on this time. Stiles pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, earning a chuckle from Isaac.

"Stiles. We need to talk."

"Whatever you have to say to him, you can say to us too." Allison smirked at Derek, knowing full well what their Alpha was about to say to the younger man and she was not going to miss it for anything in the world. Derek raised his eyebrows, showing no emotion what so ever.

"Fine. Stiles, what you're about to hear may shock you." Derek started, Scott sat up straighter, pushing Isaac down so he could see both Stiles and Derek better. Stiles frowned but nodded once for Derek to continue. The Alpha sighed before he spoke again. "I just need you to know that I have nothing to do with this, it's only my wolf." The pack huffed and rolled their eyes but Stiles shut them down with one stern look.

"Are you dying?" Stiles questioned, becoming angsty from all the long pauses and sneers from the pack.

Derek rolled his eyes with a soft smile directed at Stiles, relaxing the human a bit.

"We're all dying Stiles." He tried to joke, but Stiles only squinted his eyes at him. "My wolf, he-, he likes you." Erica snorted and whispered 'more like loooooves you' and the pack all giggled.

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