Surprise and meeting the girls

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Chapter 8: Birthday

Louis P.O.V (I bet you didn't see that coming)

I woke up with Morgan in my bed, I thought for a minute then remembered last night. I walked out of the bedroom closing the door quietly, so I wouldn't wake Morgan. I was walking down the hall about to be at the stairs 'till one of the lads bumped into me "Sorry, Louis." I heard an irish accent "Mhm yeah, Niall." I say sarcastically, "Louis, come here." I heard Harry say, "Yeah?" I ask "It's Morgan's birthday we should throw her a party." He said coming up to me, I nod "She hasn't met our girlfriends yet, I'll invite them." I get out my phone and dial El's numbe "Hello?" She asks "Hey, Babe, it's Morgan's birthday we were wondering if you'd like to come?" I ask "Sure, Louis, I can't wait to meet her." I hung up going to wake Liam "Liam!" I shout near his face, he then throws a pillow at my face. "Call Sophia, see if she wants to come to Morgan's birthday." Liam nods still half asleep getting out his phone.

Liam P.O.V (All sorts of surprises!)

Still half asleep I dial Sophia's number "Yes, Liam?" She asks when she answers "The lads and I were wondering if you'd like to come to Morgan's B-day." I ask her, "I'd love to, can't wait to meet her." She said and hung up. I got up getting dressed and went to wake Zayn "Hey, lazy butt, get up!" He mumbles somethign and I slap him with a pillow "I said get up! Call Perrie, she if she wants to come to Morgan's B-day." I say walking out

Zayn P.O.V (Comment if your excited for new P.O.V's)

I got up after being slapped with a pillow by Liam, I then called Perrie "Hey, Zayn, what ya need?"She said wide awake, "It's Morgan's birthday, the lads and I were wondering if you would want to come?" I ask running my fingers through my hair to smooth it out. "That would be perfect! Can't wait to meet her!" She said hanging up 

Eleanor P.O.V (Didn't see it coming did ya?)

I got the invite call from Louis, I am so excited! I get out of bed going to the bathroom and got a quick shower, when I got out I went to my closet pulling out some jeans and a designer T-shirt I then grabbed some toms. I winged my eyeliner with some natrual eyeshadow. applied a few coats of mascara, I then grabbed my keys and sunglasses heading out the door.

Sophia's P.O.V

I was just waking up when Liam called inviting me to Morgan's B-day. I couldn't wait to meet her, I went to my closet grabbing my black pumps with some jeans and a off the shoulder T-shirt. I put on some natrual make-up then grab my keys heading to the boys flat.

Perrie's P.O.V

I am so excited about meeting Morgan, I quickly got out of bed and made some coffee, I sat it on the counter and went to get dressed. I grabbed some gray flats, then high waisted shorts I put on an off the shoulder T-shirt. I grabbed my coffee before I headed out driving to the boys flat. 

Morgan P.O.V

I was woke up by Louis, he picked me up and I buried my face in his neck about to fall asleep till he bounced me "Princess, stay awake the lads and I have a surprise." I huffed keeping my eyes open. When we got down stairs I heard talking then this "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I heard three unfamilar voices and turned. "Morgan, meet my girlfriend, Eleanor." I waved shyly and she came up and gave me a slight hug.  "Meet my girlfriend, Sophia." Liam said. I smiled at her warming up to them a little bit, "Morgan, this is my girlfriend, Perrie." I waved at her smiling then said "Now, boys, why have I not met these beautiful girls earlier?" I said with sass.  Eleanor laughed "Louis, she has as much sass as you." Louis chuckled as I felt it when his chest vibrated. "Morgan, call me El, call Perrie, well Perrie, and Sophia, Sophia." I laughed "Okay, and I have a question for all of y'all," I say "What?" El asks "Do y'all like shopping." I ask "OF COURSE!" They yell in unison.

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