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That was my only hope, it was the feeling that had coiled around my worn out body. I couldn't shake the death from the atmosphere. I was used to it, but who wasn't? We lived in a world where we had become numb to the starvation, the sickness, the poverty because what else was there? This hopelessness, this pit swallowed me when I had been thrown into the Games. I was practically dead, and then I wasn't. Now, my death sentence was back and this time around it was certain. I could feel it as the darkness of my cell had leeched into my eyes and found a home in them, letting me see what my future held. The sense of burning and helpless fear had settled deep into the workings of my very bones, and slowly had turned them to stone. This was who I was now. I already had stopped screaming and frantically trying to rip to chains off my wrists and ankles. I was silent, awaiting the darkness that I already knew.

What I didn't know, was who was dead or alive. All I had known at the time was burning and complete terror, and it had drowned me and taken me from the reality of where I now was. And what had happened.

I only hoped she was dead. I had sat in the darkness of my withered soul needing her to be dead. I repeated the thought a million times over hoping that I could be given this one thing. I no longer needed to suffer, I wouldn't suffer if she were dead. I used to believe I would but things were drastically different now. She had to be dead, anyone who had survived the Quarter Quell would have been captured. Just like I had been. They would be tortured. Just like I would be. They would be killed. I was already dead.

So I hoped and wished for her to be dead. I would repeat it, over and over again to the stagnant air. Willing someone to listen, to take the life out of her and do the same for me.

"Please, let Katniss Everdeen be dead."


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If I had known that my last kiss with Katniss would be that night, I would never have let go. I would have held on to her and ignored everything that surrounded us. If I had known that that would be the last time that I saw her, I would have ran off with her and forgotten all about the plan that we had to follow. I would rather die by her side than die not knowing where she was. Not knowing if she was protected or not.

Right now, sitting in blackness, I could still feel her lips against mine and I wanted to savor the taste. I sat in the dark room and I couldn't decide how to feel. I wanted to scream for help until I could no longer speak. I wanted to cry out all my frustrations. The rope bounded my hands and legs together and I just wanted to run. I wanted to run as far as my body would let me and find Katniss. I wanted to run. I always wanted to run but before I was afraid. I was still scared, I was scared out of my mind but this time I felt the courage to run. Maybe I stayed before because I knew Katniss never wanted to run but now she was gone and I wanted to run, to her.

Looking around this dark empty room made goosebumps appear on my skin. I itched to stand up and gain some more warmth onto my body. The slight chill to the room was unnerving. I turned my head slightly trying to get the feel of my surroundings. My neck groaned in pain from the stiffness that's been sitting on it for hours. I tried to rack my brain for memories of what had happened before I got here. I only remembered watching Katniss walk away with Johanna before our plan was supposed to happen. My head pounded and I knew something huge had happened. My entire body still screamed in pain.

The ropes burned into my skin as I tried to move around. I gritted my teeth and kept pulling against the ropes. The pain started becoming numb as I kept fighting against the restraints. I grunted from the lack of movement that my body could process. I breathed a sigh of defeat and stopped trying to fight the rope. What else could I do? I looked up and tried to look past the darkness. There had to be something I could use to break free. My eyes slowly adjusted to the blackness of the room and I could make out small figures around me.

I couldn't tell what they were but I could see that the room was fairly large. I looked around the room a little while longer but found nothing of interest. Or I just couldn't see anything. This would be the time that I would start panicking, wondering if I would just be left here to die. Instead the slow, calm beating of my heart was the only sound in my ears. My breathing was even and had no evidence of panic in them.

I closed my eyes-or thought they were closed-and tried to think back to my last memory. I knew that there had been explosions but how could there have been explosions in the Quarter Quell? I couldn't think straight. I wanted to know what happened but how could I when all I could see was blurriness? I wanted to know how I had lost Katniss. I wanted to know how we lost it all. I wasn't sure that the people here would show me what happened, even if they could. They'd probably use my lost memory to their advantage.

I knew that my memory was probably foggy from whatever happened and that nothing before that was forgotten but if I remembered maybe I could find Katniss. I could save her, if she even needed my saving. The quiet tapping of something broke me out of my trance and I opened my eyes quickly. I still couldn't see anything but I trained my ears towards the sound. I wasn't sure what it was but it seemed to be getting louder as time moved on. I was still trying to figure out what the sound was as a loud bang made me jump in fear. My hands shook causing the rope to burn deeper into my skin.

The room was still in pure darkness as my eyes picked out a new figure in the room. I realized that the figure was a person and the tapping I had heard was from their footsteps. They stayed silent as my mind went into full on panic mode. I didn't know what this person wanted from me. I didn't know if they were good or not. I tried to take calming breaths but it only seemed to make my heart race faster. As I was trying to take my mind away from panic the room blazed with light. I shut my eyes at the sudden brightness of the room and my heart beat quickened even more. I could feel the light seeping through my eyelids, trying to blind me for sure.

I left my eyes closed for what seemed like decades before I was even able to squint just a little. Slowly, I was able to open my eyes although the lighting still hurt. I looked around the room to find that it was actually a cell. There was a small window in the top corner of the room that I wouldn't be able to reach but at the moment it was covered so no light from the outside world be let in. The small figures I had seen were actually a bed that was attached to the wall and made of metal, another chair and a toilet. Now I looked up to the person standing in front of the door.

Shock, dread, and anger filled me at my core all at once and I didn't know what to say. What could you say to the person you've despised you whole life? I could start yelling profanities but that would only go from one ear and out the other. Minutes or even hours went by as we silently stared at one another, trying to see who'd look away first.

I shuddered with fear as I looked into his cold, angered eyes. They were calculating my moves, seeing the best way to torture me. I finally looked away from his eyes and my eyes raked over his entire profile. He looked perfectly clean and there didn't seem to be a hair out of place. His white hair was perfectly combed and his beard was trimmed to cunning perfection. His skin seemed to sag but that was from his old age. His clothes seemed utterly overdressed for only coming to see a prisoner. His suit was bloody, velvety red color and his shoes were coal black.

I looked at his chest and saw the white rose, as white as his beard and as white as snow. I finally looked back up into his eyes and they were colored in the same expression as before. He stood in place and I wondered if he were only here to observe me and leave without a word. His eyes quickly looked over me and returned to my eyes. My heart was pounding furiously but I forced my breaths to come out slow. He then smiled wickedly making my hands shake, causing the rope to burn deep into my skin.

"Welcome to the Capitol, Mr.Peeta Mellark."

I'm currently editing this story and this is the newer version of the story. Please excuse any mistakes on this chapter or any after this because I'm still working hard on rewriting this story!

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