Step 15

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It worked. I don't know how the hell I did it, but here I am. In Colorado.

Actually, I do know how I did it. I suggested a family vacation for Christmas. Mom was all over that idea.

"Ian, can you please get the extra carry on?" My mom asked.

"Why do I have to?" Ian whined. "Why can't Piper?"

"Because Piper already has her hands full."

"She is holding her own carry on and a Starbucks drink! I'm already lugging around one suitcase and a carry on and I have to take another? Don't you see my hands are full?" Ian retorted. Yeesh, was I this bad when I was 14?

"Piper, Sweetie, would you mind taking the bag?" My mom asked me, slightly pleading so this wouldn't turn in to a full on fight in the public airport.

"Of course," I smiled and rolled the carry on behind me.

"Thank you," she cracked a grateful smile.

This was going to be a long trip.


"Piper!" Rydel exclaimed as soon as she saw me. She ran towards me and enveloped me in a quick hug. "Follow me," she said, but it was unnecessary because she grabbed my arm and dragged me behind her. She led me through twisted corridors, all with white walls and tile. After what seemed like a maze, we arrived.

"Room 1229. You can go in. I'm gonna go get something to eat. I'm starving." And then there was one.

I cautiously opened the door and stepped in without making a sound. But a gasp escaped my mouth when I saw him.

White lips.

Pale face.

Breathing in the snowflakes.

Just kidding. There were no snowflakes. But he was extremely pale. The only sounds that could be heard were my breathing and the faint beeping of his heart monitor.

There was a bandage wrapped around his head and his left leg was in a cast. He had a black eye and there were cuts and bruises all over his body. Countless wires were attached to his limbs and I could tell he had lost a lot of blood.

He was sleeping. I didn't know if he was just sleeping or in a coma, but either way, I was nervous and scared. Scared that he might never wake up.

I pulled a chair up next to his bed and and grabbed his hand. I honestly just needed to know he was there.

I then remembered when I was in the hospital. I remember Ross sang to me. At the time, I didn't know the song. But after hearing him sing it, I was curious. I looked it up and found out it was by a band called Panic! At The Disco. This Is Gospel.

I never liked my singing voice, but I wanted to do something for Ross. And I guess you could kinda say this was our song. Our hospital song.

"Uh, hey Ross. It's Piper. You can thank Rydel for my being here. She's the one who convinced me," I smiled slightly. "Well, uh, I'm gonna sing that song you sang to me when I was in the hospital, This Is Gospel. Thanks to you, I have now become addicted to Panic! At The Disco." I chuckled thinking of the countless hours I've spent listening to their music.

"So, uh, yeah. If you can hear me, don't judge my voice when you wake up. I kinda suck." I opened my mouth and let the words flow.

This is gospel for the fallen ones

Locked away in permanent slumber

Assembling their philosophies

From pieces of broken memories

Oh oh oh oh woah

Oh oh oh oh woah

The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds

But they haven't seen the bet of us yet

If you love me let me go

If you love me let me go

Cause these words are knives that often leave scars

The fear of falling apart

And truth be told I never was yours

The fear, the fear of falling apart


It's been two days since I saw Ross. It's Christmas Day. The only sign that he's actually alive is that his hand twitched once or twice. That's all I've heard from Rydel.

"Honey, you've barely touched your food," my mom pointed out to me.

"I'm not very hungry. I guess that just means more leftovers, right?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sweetie, I know you're worried about Ross, but not eating isn't going to make him wake up." I shrugged at her comment and picked around at my pancakes with my fork.

I jumped when Everybody Talks started playing from my phone. I grabbed it and quickly slid my finger over the screen to answer the phone.


"Piper, it's Rydel. Ross woke up."

A/N: Hello people. You reached my request, therefore here is another update.

Shoutout to Panic! At The Disco. I seriously love them.

Another shoutout to Ross. 19... Smh

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