Step 17

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Ross POV

"This is such a nice place," Piper said, looking around the large cabin.

"I love it here, getting to see all my family. It's my favorite time of year," I commented, hobbling around on my crutches.

"I can see why," Piper smiled, now looking at all my family members who were milling around that cabin. A look of fear crossed her face as she eyed the big crowd, but it quickly subsided.

"Don't worry," I comforted, throwing an arm around her shoulder, "They'll love you."

"Yeah, I was extremely nervous when I first met these people, but they took me in immediately. If they were that welcoming to me, you can already consider yourself part of the family," Rydel shot Piper smile and chuckled at the memory of her meeting my family for the first time.

Let me clear something up here. Rydel and I have NEVER dated. We just met each other when I was 7 and she was 6. We instantly became best friends. A few years ago, I dragged her along over winter break and made her come to this cabin. She was mortified, honestly. She was so nervous of making an idiot of herself in front of my family. I don't know what she was nervous about though, because she is so likable and my family is extremely welcoming.

"Don't worry Piper, my parents and brother love you already," I winked at her, then pointed out who I was talking about.

All three of them were looking over at us with slightly different expressions. My dad was giving me a thumbs up and a approving smile, Riker had a nervous and anxious smile adorning his face, probably remember our talk a few weeks ago about Piper and the falls. And my mom, well, my mom was a whole different story. My mom was standing next to my dad and staring at Piper with a grin that was stretched from ear to ear. Her eyes were sparkling and she just looked happy.

"Cmon, lemme introduce you to them," I said. I took my arm off of her shoulder and secured my crutches. I then slowly made my way over to them with Piper right on my tail.

"Mom, Dad, Riker, this is Piper," I introduced once we got over to them. "Piper, this is my mom, my dad, and my brother, Riker." I looked over at a now blushing Piper who seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl," my mom commented, which made Piper's cheeks turn even more red. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and looked down at her shoes.

"Thank you," she spoke quietly.

"Piper," I whispered in her ear and threw my arm around her shoulder. "There is no need to be shy. They already love you, I know it." I kissed the top of her head and rubbed small circles on her shoulder with my thumb, hoping it might comfort her a bit more.

"Sweeite, you don't have to be nervous. We will accept you into this family just the way you are, quirks and all," my mom spoke up.

"I can already tell you are a wonderful young lady and I know you care about my son. You convinced your family to fly out here for Christmas just so you could see him. That is dedication," my dad said with a heartwarming smile.

"See? I told you," I joked, sticking my tongue out at Piper, who was now looking at me with red cheeks.

"Yeah, well, you also told me to bake the cake at 500 degrees 'just to see what happens' and we all know how that turned out," Piper rolled her eyes.

"Hey! You were the one that listened to me," I pointed out.

"I will never forgive myself for that," Piper shook her head jokingly. I looked back over at my family who now we're all grinning like Cheshire Cats.

"Ok, well, uh, I'm gonna go show Piper around a bit more. See you around," I said.

"It was lovely meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Lynch. And you too, Riker," Piper smiled shyly.

"It was wonderful meeting you, too, Sweetheart. And please, call me Stormie," my mom smiled sweetly.

"Alright. See you guys later," I said and repositioned my crutches. With Piper following behind, I gave her a quick tour of the cabin, stopping briefly every once in a while to make introductions.

"Alright this is the last stop," I explained, looking up the now daunting stairs. I haven't encountered many flights of stairs since I broke my leg so this was going to be challenging. Taking everything painstakingly slow, I made my way up the stairs, Piper behind me incase I fell.

"Here we are," I said once we reached the top. "The loft." It was a large open area that resembled a living room. To the left there was a hallway that led to several bedrooms. The loft currently adorned a Christmas tree and various other Christmas decorations.

"It's so beautiful," Piper said, looking around the large room.

Like you.

Shut up brain.

"It's my favorite room of the house," I explained, smiling as I thought of all the good memories I've had up here.

"I can see why," Piper grinned at me. I hobbled over to the couch and plopped down, a quiet "oof" escaping my mouth. I patted the seat next to me, and Piper rolled her eyes and sat down next to me.

"So, I have your Christmas present," I explained. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the envelope and handed it to her.

"Ross, you didn't have to give me anything," Piper rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, I wanted to. So too bad," I stuck my tongue out at her. "Just open it."

"Fine," Piper sighed and opened the envelope. She looked in the envelope and screamed. Exactly the reaction I was going for.

"YOU GOT ME PANIC! AT THE FLIPPING DISCO TICKETS?!?! OH MY LANTA I LOVE YOU!!!" Piper shouted. Yup, I win eternally.

"No problem, Pipes. I can't wait to go with you," I grinned. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

I felt something tickling my face, like a feather or something. I looked up and saw mistletoe. Fucking mistletoe. I then noticed it was on a hook, which was attached to fishing line. I looked behind me and saw a smug Rocky holding a fishing pole with an amused Ryland and Riker standing behind him.

"Really guys?" I asked, a little angry with them.

"Cmon, bruh, you know we're just trying to help. Besides you wouldn't have the balls to do it without this mistletoe anyways," Rocky pointed out.

"Oh yeah? Watch me," I rolled my eyes. I looked back at Piper who had an eyebrow raised with an amused look.

"So this is something you've been planning out, huh?" She teased.

"No! I just, uh, well, erm-" I defended myself, but was cut off by Piper.

"Let's give them what they're asking for," she smirked. She lightly pushed me so I was laying down and straddled my waist. She then leaned down and slammed her lips on to mine. She kissed me forcefully, and I kissed back with just as much passion. She moved her hands down to my chest and rubbed her hands around my abs and chest.

Groans of protest could be heard from Riker, Rocky, and Ryland, but I just flipped them the bird. I rested my hands on her waist and her hands travelled to my hair. She tugged at it, causing me to groan in pleasure.

Piper pulled away and smiled at me. "I could to used to that," she smirked.

"Oh, babe, we were just getting started."

A/N: I feel so bad. I haven't updated in like 4 days. I was updating like everyday and then I like disappeared. Lol I'm so bad I being consistent with these updates. I apologize in advance.

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