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"Eunji! Wake up!" I hear Jisoo yell at me from far away.

"Aish, I'm up!" I yell back, getting up. I run my eyes, grabbing my new uniform and putting it on.

I was transferring schools today since my older brother Jin, said that it was "too tiring to drive to two schools." So, I was transferring to the school Jennie and Jin attend to.

I comb my straight brown hair out, leaving it down as I grab my backpack and go to Jin's car.

"Now, Eunji," Jin starts to say while driving all of us to school, "me and Jisoo are not going to be around with you. W-" I stop him before he can continue.

"You guys have your own lives, I know." I smile and roll my eyes. "I may be the baby of the family, but I know how to act." I say. Jin and Jisoo chuckle at my words. I sit up in the black car. "I mean, it's true."

Once we get to the school, we get out of Jin's car and go our separate ways. I go to the office.

"Excuse me?" I say softly, grabbing their attention. One of the adults smiles  and clasps their hands.

"Ah yes, you must be the new student! Kim Eunji, yes?" I nod my head as she hands me a few papers. "I'm the principal, Ms. Choi. We just have to get a few things straight then you'll get your locker number and get to class." She continues for around 5 minutes telling me the rules and regulations before letting me go.

"Are you positive you'll be able to find your way around?" She asks me. I smile.

"I'm positive miss. If not, I'm sure I'll be able to ask one of the other students so I can find my way." I reassure her as I leave.

"Locker 253.." I mumble, going through the crowds of people to find my locker, only to see a tall, 'fuckboy' looking dude standing in front of it.

"Excuse me, my lockers right here. Could you please move for a second?" I ask in a sweet tone. The dude just looks at me and laughs.

"So you're the new girl, huh?" He looks me up and down, like I'm his new target. I've already had enough.

"Yes, now please move before I punch you in the face, man slut." I say bluntly as he moves.

"Damn, no need to be so rude about it." He says smirking. I roll my eyes as him and his group leave the area.

I put my black backpack in my locker, bringing only a folder, two notebooks, a pen and pencil. I close my locker and go to my first class as the bell rings.

I walk into the class and introduce myself to the class after the teacher tells me to.

"Anneong. I hope you all treat me well!" I say to the class happily.

"Alright. How about you go sit next to Hoseok?" I look around to see only one seat left, next to the dude who was being a ass this morning.

I start walking over to the desk and someone tries to trip me. Luckily, I caught myself in time.

"Jungkook! Why would you do that? Detention after school!" The teacher says as I finally sit down.

"Whatever." The brown, almost black haired dude says in a cold tone. I roll my eyes at his attitude. Class begins.

Lunchtime soon comes and I go to my locker to put my stuff away, walking to the cafeteria after.

I just buy a water bottle from the vending machine, drinking it as I walk around the school.

Walking in one of the corridors near the lunchroom, I see the dude who tried to trip me earlier in class with a few other men too.

"Hey you! Come here." The dude says as I roll my eyes and walk over there. He gives off fuckboy vibes.

"What do you want?" I say to him in a annoyed tone. He chuckles at me and pushes me against the wall.

"You got me in trouble. What do you have to say for yourself?" He says to me. Fear fills up my body, but I refuse to show that side of me to the male. I choke it down and laugh.

"It was on you." I shoot back to him.

"Is this why no one likes you?" He says, trying to taunt me. He is actually serious? Great, he gives off fuckboy and bully vibes. Big no-no.

I laugh again. "Fuck you." I punch him in the face and tie up my hair into a low bun, ready to fight him if he tries to throw back.

"What was that for?" The dude that was standing in front of my locker and also gave off fuckboy vibes asked me.

"Well, asshat, he deserved it." I angrily answer. "He shouldn't be going around telling people that if he actually has a brain." The dude tries to punch me but someone stops him.

"Jungkook, What are you doing?" Jin angrily says to the male, grabbing the man's arm. The smaller man tries to explain but stutters, not knowing what to say. Soon enough, Jisoo and her friends come our way, stopping where we are.

"Jin, what's happening?" Jisoo asks our older brother. Jin sighs angrily and looks at me, fury and confusion in his eyes.

"How about Eunji explains to us what happened?" Jin asks me in a upset tone, but I just roll my eyes. I take a breath before answering him.

"Things. Sensitive things happened." I walk away from everyone, bumping Jisoo in the shoulder on my way.

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