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If you are sensitive to the topic of self harm or bullying, please skip.

If you are ever  thinking about self harming or going through something that makes you feel less of yourself, please don't be afraid to dm me. 

Instagram: @nana.rix

Remember you are beautiful and amazing <3


"Jungkook, What are you doing?" I see Jin stopping the dude from punching me as I see Jisoo and her friends coming as well.

"Woah, Jin what's happening?" She asks him.

"How about Eunji explains to us what happened?" Jin asks me but I just roll my eyes.

"Things. Sensitive things happened." I walk away, bumping Jisoo in the shoulder.


School finishes quicker than I thought and while I'm packing up my work and stuff in my backpack, Jungkook comes up to me and shuts my locker, making me jump. I calm down quickly after realizing it was him.

"What do you want?" I ask him, keeping in my temper.

"What's with your and Jin hyung's relationship? He gave me a talk after you left." Jungkook asks me questioningly as I put on my backpack.

"You don't need to know." I say mad and upset, walking away. Going to Jin's car, I find him and a few others smoking. I roll my eyes and turn around.

"And I'm the bad child." I mumble under my breath as I walk away.

I decide to walk home. It's only a 15 minute walk, after all.

Once I get home, I close and lock the front door and go immediately to my room.I lock my door and start to cry, letting all my bottled up emotions free.

Since our parents left us, I've gotten bullied at every school I've gone to. No one wanted to become my friend. And when I went to this school, I didn't have any hope that it'd be different. That's why Jisoo and Jin are really overprotective of me. They know about it and don't want anyone to hurt me more, but oh boy, how much were they oblivious to.

I change out of my uniform, grabbing one of Jin's sweaters and wear it with shorts underneath.

I grab a semi-sharp pen cap and start to cut my wrist/arm with the pen cap until I see blood coming out.

I smile at the bleeding wound as I make more cuts on my arm until there are scars. In the middle of making another one, I hear my phone go off.



Jin: where are you?

Me: I walked home.

Jin: okay. We're coming back in 2 minutes.

I turn off my phone as I start to hide the pen cap and roll down the sleeve of the sweater, not wanting them to see that I went to self harming again.

I hear the doorbell ring and and open the door to Jin and Jisoo.

"Show me your arm." Jin says in a upset and sad tone as he grabs my right arm(the one I cut). I wince in pain but hide it from Jin and Jisoo.

"What? No!" I say, pulling my arm away quickly.

"Eunji, we saw it when we were coming in. You can't hide it from us." Jisoo says, about to tear up.

Jin pulls up my sleeve to show my new scars.

"You said you'd stop." Jin says to me as they examine them.

"Did you just make these?" Jisoo asks me. Tears start to stream down, which to them, is a yes. I feel Jin and Jisoo hug me, making sure not to hurt my wounded arm.

Eunji, you said you'd stop. Please keep that promise." Jin worriedly says to me. "You were clean for 6 months. You are worth it Eunji. We love you." Jin soon brings me into our marble stained kitchen and places me on top of our island in the middle of the kitchen. 

He grabs a medkit and starts to treat my bleeding wounds and scars, patching them up after so they won't get infected while healing.


After I help Eunji patch her cuts up, I take a picture of her arm.

Eunji goes back upstairs to her room. I stay in the living room and text Jungkook. It was him who made her do that, huh? Anger fills my body, but I calm down enough that I don't go off on Jungkook.


Me: This is what you did. Are you proud?
(Sends picture)

Maknae: Eunji? She deserved it. She punched me in the face. For NO reason.

Me: There was a reason why she did. There's a reason why she does everything. And no one deserves that. Stop being so thick headed Jungkook.

Maknae: What's with you and Eunji anyways hyung?

Me: You know how I keep talking to you about that other sister that's not Jisoo that cuts because people bully her and she has no friends? That's Eunji you dumbass.

Maknae: oh.

I turn off my phone and make food for Jisoo and Eunji and I. We're lucky that our parents still send us a lot of money every month to support us.

I turn off my phone and I feel.. guilty? I made her do that.. I made her cut. I made her feel worthless again. I jump onto my bed and feel disappointed in myself. 

God, I feel like shit. I hope she's okay.

Wait, why am I worrying about her all of a sudden? I hate her. 

But do I? Jin was right. No one deserves to in so much pain to the point that they self harm.

I'm a terrible person.

Again, if you are ever thinking about self harming or going through something that makes you feel less of yourself, please don't be afraid to dm me.

Instagram: @nana.rix

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