The water rushes through my toes;
And chills my body within.
Outside it is warm.
The sun radiates upon my face,
And warms my skin.
The gulls lull my senses,
And calm my mind;
With the song of their peace.
At the oceanfront I find repose;
In nature's sandy beach.
The Spectrum of Light in Words
PoésiePoetry consisting of various topics, moods, emotions and style; that I have written throughout my life but not shared. This is a work in progress to retype my collection into. Spec•trum 1a : a continuu...
The Peaceful Place
The water rushes through my toes;
And chills my body within.
Outside it is warm.
The sun radiates upon my face,
And warms my skin.
The gulls lull my senses,
And calm my mind;
With the song of their peace.
At the oceanfront I find repose;
In nature's sandy beach.