episode 2:Y/n and the irresponsible parent

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Today is finally the day,the day I start my journey to become a hero. I got up out of my bed and head to my bathroom and start the shower.

The warm water gos threw my (H/L)(H/C) and it feels calming from how much energy I have. UA high, i got in on recommendation since mom knows almost all the heros. The one I remember the most is mr.shota aizawa,he was like a uncle to me.

Anyways I get dressed into my uniform and head down stairs." Morning y/n." Said my older sister happily. S/b was already in her third year of high school so I would be riding the bus with her,her quirk is basically just super strength,she also has a boyfriend who I think his name is tamaki. I sit down and my mom sets my plate down.

"So are you excited for your first day of school?"my mom says putting down my plate in front of me. I say my grace and dig into (Favorite breakfast) while my mom sat down her plate and began to eat." Well I'm excited to become a hero,I don't know about high school." I say looking back at my plate." Well I can tell you one thing,you'll have your mother and your sister." I sit their for a minute and look at her confused."mother?"

Her eyes begin to sparkle."That's right! I'm going to be working their too!" I drop my fork." Wait,what! Why?" She looks at me with a pouty face." Well no need to look so concerned about it.Just finish your plate so I can drive you to school" I hurry up and eat my food and sprint to the car."Y/n you forgot your bag."my older sister said handing me my bag."Thanks Bubbles."

(Time skip to at UA brought to you by y/n mom being awesome)

We arrived at UA! But heres one thing mom didn't tell us.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WERE LATE!" I scream at my mom booking it threw the school(s/b) not to far behind."LOOK IM SORRY I OVER SLEPT!" Mom yelled back.""HOW THE HELL DID YOU MAKE ME OVER SLEEP!" I ask still running."THAT DOSEN'T MATTER,LOOK YOUR CLASS IS UP AHEAD!" We come to a slippery stop,mom opening the door."SHOTA! HERES MY KID,TEACH HER STUFF,LOVE YOU HONEY SEE YOU AT THE END OF SCHOOL!" My mom says this pushing me into the classroom room and running to take my sister to class.

I look up and anxiety hits me,'shit, I dont know anybody.' I thought then I took a look at the class. "Oh,look you actually made it." I look over and see mr.shota."um,take a seat in front of bakugou." Shota points to the right of the class and your eyes widen.IZUKU,KATSUKI!

To be continued...


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