episode 4:lunch shenanigans with the bakusquad

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Y/n pov

Me and mina finally make it to the cafeteria after changing. We get in line to grab lunch when again I feel someone tap my shoulder.

" so tell me y/n,how do you know bakugou." Mina asks with a big smile on her face."We were child hood friends." I answer paying for my lunch and following mina." Oh boo,I was hoping you to were like exes or dating,you know a scandal." SCANDEL?

We arrive at the table and lol and behold,its the man himself." Bakuboi it's been so long since I've seen you, you look so bulky. WAIT,HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?" I ask slowly coming to the realization that little bakugou has grown up. And well has aged amazingly.

He looks at me then away. Is he blushing? I Just brushed it off and scoffed down my food. Next person to say something was a boy with blonde hair and a black mark in his hair,like a thunderbolt. He smirked at me and began to speak." Hey,their gorgeous I'm denki kaminari." He spoke.

He looks alot like, noooooo."PIKACHU?" Woops, did I say that aloud?" Come on! Why does everyone call me pikachu?" denki says pouting,while everyone else at the table laughs,I giggle too since I did find it funny. Bakugou chuckles a little.

I blush thinking that bakugous chuckles were kinda smexy. ' wait parden.' I cant believe that thought came from me. I blush even harder causing a boy with black hair and tape arms to look at me." Hey, um girl. Are you ok?" The tape boy asked. "Yes,I'm fine. My name is y/n by the way." I say since he probably doesn't know my name. He looks at me and smiles." Nice to meet ya,I'm sero hanta." He offers me his hand.

I reach across the table and shake it. "Soo y/n why did you decide to become a hero?" Asked a boy with read hair." Well I want to become a hero so no one has to lose someone important to them. So that,I can bring justice to those who do,and help happy families stay complete." I say sipping on my (favorite drink).

" That is a very manly reason y/n." Said the boy with red hair. We all finished eating and went on about our day. Soon learning that his name is kirishima.

(Time skip brought to you by soft bakugou)

Its the end of the day and mom has papers to do and s/b went over to tamaki house along with her friends.

So I was stuck,waiting at school,with nothing to do. When bakugou came up to me." Katsuki? What are you doing here? School is closed." I asked curious why the ash blonde was here after hours."I left something at school,you?""Mom has papers to grade." The ash blonde searched threw his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Ya hungry?" He asks taking out a 5 dollar bill."A little but I'm sure mom will take me to get something to eat." Bakugou looks slightly sad but gos back to his silently angry face." Well I'm hungry so let's go." Bakugou says grabbing my hand.

"Fine I'll text my mom." I say pulling my phone out with my right hand as we continue walking,bakugou still holding my hand.

At the place

"I'll have a (second favorite food)." I ordered,since I was most likely going to be full when I get home,I just ordered dinner. But now I'm here sitting with bakugou waiting for his and mines food to come,I wonder what would happen on this friendly outing.

To be continued~

A/n:I think we can all agree that bakugou is bae.💖💛💙👌😩

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