Episode 11:helpless

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Y/n pov

I can't wait for tonight! Tsu is so awesome. She sweet and kind and pretty- wait what. I turned beat red. I mean I joke that I was gay for tsu but, I might actually be gay for tsu. Y/n fell on to her bed."It feels kinda nice." I said out loud,holding myself.

I blushed even harder."Just pack your bags and go to tsus."I said stuffing clothes into my bag. I leave my house and go over to hers. Little did I know a certain class was watching from the sidelines.


Ochako and izuku ended up telling the entire freaking class about the love war going on everyone else was board so they all got into it and chose sides. It's like Jacob vs Edward all over again. Since y/n is 16 she has a driver's license so she drove herself to tsus. Literally everyone called uber's and momo and todoroki played cause rich hoe problems dont exist.

They finally arrived and your greated by tsus dad,Nice guy. You walk up to her room and its all, decorated and nice.

 You walk up to her room and its all, decorated and nice

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(But like with a tv)

You guys sit down and tsu grabs the snacks. And you begin to watch Hamilton,snuggled up in blankets.

(Time skip brought to you by all of class 1a being creepers)

Y/n pov

"HE LEFT ME HELPLESS!" Eliza sang. I take a moment to look over at tsu and  shes just watching the masterpiece. I begin to feel my face flush. Tsu looks over at me and smiles." Popcorn,y/n chan?" She offers. I began to look down at her lips. And my body takes over.(i- I wanna die,wanna die but dont really wanna die)I move closer and closer to tsu her doing the same.

I close my eyes." Tsu" I whisper and she moves closer and as our lips are about to connect my ring tone gos off.we move away quickly both blushing. I look at my phone.

Sweetie are you spending the night at a friends house or are you coming home?

I look over at tsu who's fiddling with her fingers. I look back at my phone.

I'll be home in a couple.

I put my phone down and look back at tsu." Mom wants me home for dinner." I say getting up and getting my things togethers."Of course um see you later y/n." Tsu says waving not even getting up to hug me good bye. I walk out of her house and get into my car.

Why did I do that?I mean she seemed into it. Never mind and I drive away. Not knowing how shookith class 1a was looking and how sad and angry a certain pomeranian looks.

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