New kids And outbreaks

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October 12, 2018
8:49 a.m

Jaylen pov:
The late bell as everyone took their seats as I shoved my earplug in my left ear to block out the noise. I was never one to talk but once im around my friends and family im a fool. As the teacher finished writing  on the board on what she wants our daily journal to be about, the principal walked in with an unfamiliar boy.He had very curly hair and  His skin was pale with a variety of freckles and big brown eyes to really bring out his facial features. He stood about 5 feet tall to be specific 5'10. His outfit was a red and white sweater with the name wolfhard engraved in it just above a rose. He wore a pair of jeans with socks to match his shirt and casual red vans. He looked intimidating so I wont be the first to talk to him. He scanned the room before his eyes finally landed on me locking eyes with me. We stared at each other for about a good 3 minutes before the teacher finally introduced him as Finn Wolfhard. The teacher gave him the seat right behind me and Ellie but im not phased.  

I turned around to get a quick glance before turning around to write my journal entry. I was almost finished with my journal entry before being abruptly interrupted by a piece of balled up paper being hurled on my desk. I looked at Ellie Who had a Sly smile. I gave her a cheeky grin before reading the note.

Ellie: he seems cute, he probably likes you considering yall stared at each other for a good 3 minutes. Oh I kept track of time

Jaylen: dont be ridiculous this aint no love at first sight type bull

Ellie: LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT IS REAL! How'd you thing me and Mike meet {(;}

Jaylen: youre both weird so im not surprised.

Ellie: what if he end up stalking you

Jaylen: sis thats really weird and creepy

Ellie: its common since

Jaylen: oh what will I be with out you

Ellie: SHIT
Youre a real piece of shit you know that i whispered in her direction. But you love me she teased. I rolled my eyes and turned back around before feeling light taps on my upper back. Do you have a pencil sharpener? Yea sure. I dug in my pencil pouch pulling out a pencil sharpener handing it to Finn. I turned torwards Ellie who had a cheeky grin. But love at first sight is bull she said i rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Then the intercom came on.

"Dear teachers and students. Due to an outbreak school is now closed. If you walk home you will take the bus with the bus riders car riders are free to leave now."

The bell rung as teachers rushed us students out Finn, Ellie and I all took the same bus home. Usually we have assigned seats but since this "outbreak we sit where we want" Ellie and i sat next to each other just talking and talking. So you going home i asked the brunette. Hell no im going with you. The bus stopped at our street first so Ellie, Finn and I jumped out the bus and ran home. I unlocked the door to reveal My "Step sister" (Ellies sister) Alexis, and my blood sister Ivy. Oh hi Alexis how are you doing? Good Ellie catch she said frantically throwing Her about 3 Suitcases, what is this Ellie questioned picking the suitcases. Turn on the news she told me as Ivy frantically pasted around the room. I turned on the tv and the news played explaining that some sort of zombie cannibal outbreak happened. I turned off the tv in shock. What is this? The walking dead? This is such BULLSHIT I yelled waving my hands in the air. Calm down. It just started it cant be that bad Ellie said in terror. Just then the door opened revealing Jessie and Finn. Jessie! I yelled with my hand over my chest. He just smiled and yelled Nice to see you too Jaylen. He started jangling a pair of keys. Lets get going he said. Ellie and I exchanged looks before going outside. A van? Alexis asked looking at it in disgust. Its big enough to fit all our stuff in it and for all of us to get in Jessie replied with a bitchy tone.

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