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Have you ever wonder what your purpose in life is? Are we destined for something great or will it always be a simple life for us?


"Huh?," I asked confused.

William, one of my students, said ,"Two plus two is four or did I count my fingers wrong again?"

"Oh no, you're absolutely right!" I replied back.

For a second there, I forgot I was in a classroom filled of little kids. To my surprise, they were actually calm for a group of five and six year olds. At the age of 22, it was my first year teaching kindergartens how to do math in my own classroom. Transiting  was a huge change for me to begin with, I had decided to move to a whole new town after graduating college.

I was not fond of the city's heavy traffic along with the loud night life. Moving to a small town surrounded by just forest might sound scary to many people considering there was barely anything going on and the dangers that can run behind the quiet, tall trees.

Ring! Ring!

"Alright class, you know what that means," I said.

"Yes, Ms. Ava!" Their adorable faces replied back and hurried to the back of the classroom to pick up their backpacks.

One by one, they lined up and waited for me to guide them to the front of the school to leave. It didn't take long for their parents to pick them up with each of the kids waving me goodbye.

I already had a month living here. Yet, what I wasn't used to the constant stares and whispers from the town people. It being a small town meant that everyone knew everyone and a newcomer was a huge surprise to them.

When the last kid was picked up, I began heading to my car and start my drive home. Luckily for me, I was able to buy a small cottage at the edge of the town, so I didn't really have to interact with the town's people. It wasn't much at first but after giving it a whole facelift made it feel homey.

Walking in, I dropped all of my school bag filled of coloring pages on my small couch and started heading into the kitchen. Opening up the fridge, I realized that it was time to go buy groceries. I internally groaned knowing that my trip would be filled with stares.

When I arrived at the small grocery, I quickly grabbed a cart with the purpose of getting in and out the least amount of person interaction. Apart from not looking loud noises, I was also a shy person when deciding with people my age or older.

I was able to stock up on vegetables without a problem, so I headed to the can sections for some sauce. Unfortunately for me, they were on the top shelve and way out of my reach. Standing my tip toes and trying to reach for it didn't get me anywhere. I even tried jumping, which gained more stares from people walking past the aisle.

After a while, I decided to give up and settle on no sauce.

"Do you need help with that?" A deep voice called out.

I quickly turned around frighten to see a handsome man. Wait, correction man god in back of me.

" I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He replied.

"No no no, you're fine. No need to apologize and I do- do need help getting that sauce," I replied with a red face.

Without a struggle, he was able to the can of sauce and handle it to me.

"There you go, one can of sauce for the pretty lady," the man said, " My name is Ajax and who might you be?"

"Thank you so, so much, Ajax. I am Ava." I blushed again at his comment.

"Ava," Ajax repeated, which for some odd reason caused a shiver to go through me. He continued, "I take it that you're new to town considering I have never seen you before."

"You're absolutely right, I have only been in town for about a month now," I responded nervously while staring at the floor.

"Well I just got back in town from a business trip and I am throwing a party, the whole town is invited. It might be nice for you to come and meet new people there plus have fun," He blurted out.

I was shocked, sure I had been in town for a while but this was the first time someone tried reaching out to hang out or something.

"Um I am not sure, I am not a party person and —"

"Come on, it will be fun"

I finally looked up and took a good look at his face, I couldn't bring myself to say no to his handsome face.

"Okay, sure I will try to go," I replied.

"Great! Party on Saturday 7:00 at my place. See you there, Ava." He smiled and ran off.

I was left shocked and even worse it seemed like the people around caught on. I felt like the stares got worse and hurried on to check out.

After getting home and putting everything away, I realized that I didn't know where Ajax lived at all.

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