an update about the next book,(sneak peaks)

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Hello my luvs

I think the plot for "My Mute Bad Boy" is going great like broooo, not gonna lie the first couple of chapters be kinda rough, and i think shit was going fast and trash but,ll

It is what it is.

And for a couple of chapters you wont being seeing much of the two main  because this story is also gang, revenge,betrayal related, there will be chapters in the story where it is just a chapter about the past, for example, if a cat is eating a mouse there will be a chapter about how the cat caught the mouse.(btw this will also be int the first chapter of the story to explain stuff)

I also decided.(because I basically have about 14 chapters drafted and my goal is at least 24 chapters) I am going to start some short stories for MBBF and MMBB,


Because I'm bored as shit,and 1 of my 3 favorite siblings are moving away, so I'm EXTRA bored....

Oh and I have the description for MMBB

A mute bad boy, a bipolar nerd, what do they have in common? How could they have met, why do they have such a connection? Did they meet before? Did both have traumatic back stories that messed with their lives?Will they become friends or enemies,maybe more than friends maybe more than enemies, Read about the both of them their families and how they are somehow connect to eachother.

Soo what do you think,I was thinking about publishing the first three chapters will be out before the month is over same day about a minute after each other,

And here is a mfkin sneak i on a roll or what(I hated that wtf did I type that....imma leave it)

Names will be revealed in the story lmao

Chapter 1
The male then removed his hands from washing Liam and sign with them asking 'do you know sign language' Liam stared at his hands, "a little bit, I know basics...uhh oh I know all the letters, maybe you could spell your name" Liam said smiling, *****started to sign "R?" Liam asked making sure it was right, *****nodded and continued, "Y?" before he could continue Liam asked joyfully "*****?" He shook his head no, "*****?" ***** cringed thinking 'what the fuck kind of name is *****?' , "*****? no? um ****?" The male looked at Liam with the look that asked 'are you done?', "sorry, continue" the male sign a D "D? OH I know your name is **-" before Liam could finish the other boy placed a hand over Liam's mouth with a glare, Liam looked down at his hand then look back up at **** whith a dull face saying 'seriously' Liam licked the boy's hand, and **** pulled back his hand and wiped it on a nearby cloth.

Chapter 2

"I can read lips,so you don't have to make big pauses for me" Liam said smiling "but yes she is mute, nothing is wrong with her voice or throat she just...has issues..." Liam said trailing off 'like?' ***** mouthed getting quite curious, "if I tell you about my past you have to tell me about yours, like why are you mute where are your parents" Liam said, ***** give him a look then Liam began to panic "o-or n-not, I didn't mean to over step I'm sorry" ***** smiled then mouthed 'it's fine, it's a deal' Liam relaxed and went back to cleaning ***** face, "ok what I'm about to tell you is something only four people other than myself knows about, not even my boyfriend knows the full story ok?" Liam said making sure he made things clear about how serious this situation is to *****,***** nodded in understanding.

Chapter 3

As Liam walked to his last class for the day he was lost in thoughts "did **** get abused as a child? Why did I spill my past to him this that less of hesitation, I don't even talk about it with Dave but with ***** I feel a connection,  what makes him special?" these question float in Liam's mind he didn't even hear his boyfriend calling him or realized that he past the room where he had class he was so lost in thought he did see the wall infront of him, but he was stopped before he could hit the wall,

And that's your sneak peak of all three chapters hope they are kinda good
Again I am bored but this is serious to me ok....  Should i do an "If Aiden was alive and Max was the one who died" or"they bothed survived"chapter or both?sorry again I'm bored,I'll leave now💀

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