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You've always wanted to be a pro hero like the millions of other children. You aren't special. You're human. You make mistakes. If you were to be perfect you'd like to be called Copper Bolt, but you're not. At least that's what you think but to two specific people you are the most important and special thing in the entire world. And hopefully more people will think that way soon.


Beep Beep Beep

You open your eyes with sand and goop attaching your eyelids. The first thing you see is your phone alarm. The second is the light coming through your f/c curtains. Your back hurts.


Your mom yells from the other room. Following directions you immediately get up and press stop. Using your finger you clear away the sleep sand. Finally unlocking your phone and fully turning off the alarm. Another hectic yet relaxing morning. You roll back over to the left side of your bed where you find your slippers waiting on the floor near your bed.

Your dad and mom start stomping throughout the house to get their coffee, use the one bathroom in the entire house, and to cause a pain to one another. They're not happy. They've never been. But they always say you're the cause of them staying together. That must mean you're the cause of their unhappiness. Right?

You get dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt. Heading to the kitchen (down the hall) you hear the loud machine brewing coffee. As you enter the kitchen you see your dad standing in front of the coffee machine. You walk past him to get to the corner of the counter space where your english breakfast tea is. You grab a measuring cup from the cabinet above and head over to the fridge.

"Did you sleep well? Any dreams."

"Yeah...," You started filling up the measuring cup with water to about the 3/4ths mark, "No dreams." That was a lie. You've had nightmares every night for the past year. You've gotten really good at lying.

"Look Y/N, your mom's a horrible person she stomps around and is mean like this every single morning."

"Mhm." They both like to pin everything on each other. It's manipulative. You hate it.

"Moving to Tokyo from the US has been a big change and anything that happens is not your fault." Sure.


You put the measuring cup in the microwave for 3 minutes. Then went back over to the cabinet in the corner and got a mug out for your tea.

His coffee had finished brewing by then so he left the kitchen.

You put the tea bag in your mug. Beep. Beep. You stopped the microwave and got the measuring cup out with some pot holders your mom bought at big lots back home.

She likes to spend all the money. That's why you're  poor when in reality you should've been stinkin' rich.

You carry the cup of boiling water from one corner of the counter space to the other where your tea mug is sitting. Splash. The water goes in the mug and almost immediately creates steam and just the right color tea. You walk back to the other side of the kitchen again to get som milk from the fridge. The honey is already by the teabags in the corner.

You take out the teabag with a spoon and throw it away. You then pour in about a tablespoon and a half of honey into the mug followed by a little bit of milk. Ahhh. I wish everyday was a weekend.

You spent the rest of the day up until dinner in your room. Calling friends, playing video games, writing, reading, drawing, and watching YouTube videos.

Breathe. Fuck. Ahaha. | {Reader x Bakugou + Dadzawa} SHIPSYAAASSSSWhere stories live. Discover now