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1st Person
     I wanted to go out and do something fun tonight. Even though it's a school night, it's still the weekend. I turned my head from where I was sitting to look at my closet where my flashy hero costume prototype is. I really like it tho. It kind of goes well with my quirk.

     Both my parents have powerful quirks but they never wanted to become heroes so they never took full advantage of their raw power. My mom has a fire quirk where she can create fire and control its heat waves and direction with. her. mind. Pretty fucking cool. My dad has a quirk where he can control all air and gas around him.

     I'm what you would call luck, or a genetic masterpiece. I inherited both quirks! Like it's literally some Mary Sue type shit I have going on.

Ever since the end of elementary school I've been going out at night and doing hero work. One night a pro called Eraserhead found me doing illegal hero work and decided to help me by making me his assistant. It's awesome. At the end of this year (my last year of middle school) I really want to apply to UA. One of my "friends" is as well.


I put on my costume and parkoured out my window, making the air push me up slightly so I don't fall. Once on my roof, I can easily go from roof to roof looking for villains to fight.

"Give us all your money!"

Someone in trouble! I followed the noise to an alleyway off of another alleyway. I dropped down. Nothing. I-


I felt something heavy and metal hit me in the back. I didn't get knocked over, thanks to my quirk, but it definitely hurt like hell. Shit. Nope, yeah, I'm going down. I almost pass out before I hear someone yell, "Hey!"

"Eraserhead, look what we used as bait for you this time," I was fighting to stay awake while the thug talked.

"Let. Her. Go."

"Maybe you guys could trade spots."

Bam. Whack. Pop. Crash.

I'm being untied.

"Kid. Don't ever do that again."

"Sorry Mr Eraserhead. They got me by pretending an old lady was getting robbed."

"This is why I have you doing the paperwork. Besides what your doing is illegal without a license."

"I'll have my license soon enough."

"Oh yeah, why's that.?"

"I'm applying to UA High School."

He just laughed, "You? UA high school? Listen sweety I... went there and I- they would expel you as soon as you got to quirk examination."

"But my friend and I are REALLY good."

He smiled, "Your quirks may be good but it's all about being coachable, you don't even listen to instructions from me. Also if they found out what you've been doing without a license..."

"I don't think they will, right?" I gave him puppy dog eyes. He pushed me away in a playful manner.

"I don't know. They might." He stuck his tongue out at me, "c'mon I have some forms I need you to fill out, and maybe just maybe I might be able to train you over summer along with another kid."



"Thank you sir." I started taking off towards the office, "I'll race ya'!"

"Why do I work with kids? Ugh."

Breathe. Fuck. Ahaha. | {Reader x Bakugou + Dadzawa} SHIPSYAAASSSSWhere stories live. Discover now