Freezing to Death

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(A/N This is my very first story and I'm open to all suggestions and value each opinion, enjoy!)

As ways to die go, freezing to death isn't such a bad one. That's what I'm thinking as I freeze to death. 

You feel warm all over. Ironic. There's no pain, none at all. You're all giddy like you just chugged up a whole bottle of cough syrup. The frosty white world wraps its frosty white arms and plunges you downward headfirst into the frosty white sea.

And the silence, just so ... silent. Like the only sounds in this dystopian fanatical universe are the hums of your desperately waning heartbeat, accompanied by the faint murmur of your outrageous thoughts. Almost comically you're left counting seconds and saying I'm dead, I'm alive, I'm dead, I'm alive...

Over the years, I'd come to trust and listen to that symbolic gut instinct I had that told me things were about to turn pear-shaped. It might have been screaming when I put myself up to climbing Crestone Peak after my life had basically come crashing down, and it definitely was screaming as I saw the layers of ice tumbling down the arched slope of the mountain.

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