Living My Life With A Mafia Family Ch. 2

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When we arrive at school, Aiden park into the student parking lot. We climbed out of the car and

grab our stuff. We shut the door and i followed Aiden to the office. As we were going, we heard our

names being called." Jade. Aiden." Someone said. We turn around to see Lachlan on his crutches.

I smile and waved at him. When he finally arrive, i hug him." Hey. Haven't seen you since you left the

hospital." I said." I know i know, but with all that late work i miss i couldn't visit, sorry guys." Lach

said." Nah, it's all good." Aiden said." So, where are you guys heading off too?" Lach said." Well, we

are going to the office to get Jade her schedule." Aiden said." Cool, i will go with you guys. Hopefully

we would at least have some classes together." Lach said as we all started to walk again." So, you

all want to tell me what goes on around this school?" I said looking at them both." There's not much

to learn about us." Aiden said as we arrive at the door. He open it, and hold it for both of us as we

walk inside." Really now?" I said." We do have some good sport teams and academics, but nothing

really exciting happens." Lach said." Any people i should avoid?" I said looking at them both."

Obviously the cheerleaders, football players, and the stoners, but other than that, you should fit right

in." Aiden said. I nodded as i follow them into the office. When we went in, we went up into the front

desk and look at the lady who was busy typing away." Hello Mrs. James." She look away from her

computer and look up at us with a smiling face." Well hello there you guys. How may i help you?"

Well, Jade is new here and needs her locker number and her class schedule." Lachlan said. Mrs.

James look at me and roll her chair over to some files till she found the one she needs." Well hello

Mrs. Jade Trinder. Here is your class schedule and your locker number. I hope you have a good

school year here." Mrs. James said smiling as she handed me my papers. I said my thank yous

and left out with Lach and Aiden." You guys are gonna show me the way around here?" I said

looking at them." Of course. We can't leave our favorite girl here in the wild jungle of high school."

Aiden said smiling. I laughed and punch him in the shoulder." Let me see your schedule." Aiden

said. I handed him my schedule as he start to look over it." Cool. We have first, third, lunch,fifth and

seventh period." Aiden said." Let me see." Lach said. " Aiden handed over the schedule to Lach.

Lach look over it and smile." It seems like we have second, lunch, fifth, sixth, and seventh." Lach

said handing me back my schedule." At least i won't be alone for the whole day." I said smiling."

The only class period we don't have together is fourth period." Lach said." Yeah, same goes for me

too." Aiden also said." Well at least I'm almost not alone for the whole day." I said." What locker

number do you have?" Aiden said. I look at my paper and said," I have locker 1253." That's not far

from here." Lach said." Come come we must deliver the princess to her locker." Aiden said

smiling." Indeed we do Sir Aiden. We must deliver her before the crowd takes her away." Lach said

also smiling and playing along. I punch the both of them as i laugh." Come on my knights and

shining armors. We must go and find our way to my locker." I said pointing my finger out being all

serious. They both laugh as we started to go to my locker.

Sorry for taking so long, but i finally got it in c:.

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