Lucia's Milk Bath

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Far away in a land separate from others lies many kingdoms, each one divided up by their species. Demons, dogs, goblins, you name it; our story takes place near the human kingdom which is run by nine other than the lovely Princess Lucia.

Lucia was taking a light stroll around the outskirts of her kingdom, in one hand was a basket that she filled with various fruits along her stroll. Her big puffy dress and large, round, ample breasts bounced and swayed to her steps as she sang a soft tune.

Eventually she came across a lone tree, and on that tree was a bunch of fruit that she had never seen before. The fruit resembled two orbs squished together, with orange skin and yellow spots covering it.

She approached the tree, looking up at the curious fruit "My my, what odd looking fruit, I wonder how it tastes."

Using her magic to boost her jumping skill, she bounced up and nabbed a fruit, gracefully falling back down. With fruit in hand she took a bite of it, immediately she was amazing by the sweet, juicy flavor of the fruit. Juice ran down her chin and into her cleavage as she kept eating it, finishing the whole thing.

"Such a delectable fruit! I must have it for my fruit salad, I must!" She continued to bounce up and down, grabbing as much as she could, her breasts jiggling like water balloons the whole way through.

Once she declared she had enough, she made her way back to her kingdom and castle, waving to her citizens and providing hugs for kids along the way. Once she got inside her castle she went straight to the kitchen, grabbing herself a bowl and a knife to prepare her fruit salad.

She of course washed her fruit as all good chefs do, and then it was on to chopping up fruit, mangoes, peaches, apples, some blueberries, and of course her new mystery fruit, all put in a nice bowl. She set the rest of the fruit in their magic cooling chamber before walking to her room to enjoy her meal.

She closed the door and sat down on her bed, leaning back with her bowl next to her and a book in her hand. The next few minutes were spent reading and eating, enjoying all the flavors of her meal, especially her mystery fruit.

Once her fruit was all gone she set the bowl aside and continued reading "Ah, such a delectable meal~ I should try to bake a cake with that fruit!" She giggled and continued reading.

As she read her book, there was something going on inside of her, the mystery fruit began to have a reaction with her body, said reaction being located within her breasts as they began to fill with a certain liquid.

Lucia didn't notice at first, mainly because she was so invested in her book, but also due to being used to her breasts growing from time to time, it didn't seem unusual to her.

Minutes passed by as she kept reading, her breasts had already doubled in size, at this point she began to notice her large growth, setting down her book as she hoisted up her breasts "That's odd, they've never grown so big before...perhaps I should consult the doc-" she was cut off by the shock of a sudden cold sensation on her nipples.

She immediately reached for her nipples, feeling a growing wet spot as her nipples flared up, upon closer inspection she realized she was squirting out milk, and her breasts were growing even faster now, spilling out over her dress like a hungry slime.

This sent her into a panic, she tried to get up but all she could do was flop over onto her breasts, using them like giant cushions as milk got soaked into her bed.

She squeezed her breasts to try and shrink them, but all it seemed to do was agitate the reaction, further speeding up her milk production. She could hear the groaning of her bed as it snapped in half, causing her to fall to the floor, her breasts sloshing and spraying milk everywhere as they became her new bed.

"Girls please! Stop growing!" She cried out to her breasts, trying her best to grab her nipples, but her efforts were fruitless (heh).

Milk puddles began to form on the ground as her breasts were continuously gushing out sweet sweet milk, her breasts becoming bigger than she was tall, covering her entire body. The growth simply wouldn't stop, it was like watching a blob monster absorb water into itself, only this time there were two.

Lucia looked around frantically, she was too scared to call for guards, but she knew something had to be done, she just didn't know what. She could already feel a pool of milk going up to her ankles as her nipples continued to spray milk like a fountain "Please stop...!"

Her breasts didn't listen, now to twice her height each she could feel them pressing against her stuff, her bookshelves, her desk, everything was slowly getting engulfed by her swelling mass, even the ceiling couldn't escape getting felt up by her breasts as they filled up half the room with their giant size.

The milk level was at thigh level, soaking everything underneath it with creamy goodness. Lucia was forcibly pushed back against the wall as her breasts took over the room, the flooding room losing more and more space as her milk and breasts flooded the area, she could feel her milk slowly rising up to her chest, growing closer and closer to completely swallowing her into the white deep.

She took a deep breath and braces for going under, but was met with the sounds of cracks as her outer wall began to cave in from the sheer pressure. She knew it was a bad idea, but she knew it had to be done, she began to grope her breasts, her hands sinking into her soft flesh to agitate the milk and grow faster.

Sure enough she began growing even faster than before, her wall completely broke down, allowing the milk to drain and to give her and her breasts some much needed space.

The citizens all looked at the sight in amazement, watching Lucia's 30 foot breasts loom over them, spraying out milk in two directions.

Lucia took a sigh of relief, resting on her breasts "I'm completely drenched and I ruined my room, but at least I wasn't crushed by my own bosoms..."

Her relief was met with the sudden shock of dozens of hands pushing into her breasts, citizens were taking in buckets and barrels full of her milk as others tried to squeeze it all out of her. However, rather than push out the milk, all it did was force her breasts to start producing even more, surging outwards from all the agitation.

At this point she was growing ten feet every few seconds from her rapid swelling, reaching 40, 50, 60 feet and counting, her breasts casting a shadow over her kingdom as they pushed everyone out of the way. A white river of milk flowed outside of her kingdom coming from the waterfalls that were her nipples.

Lucia was somehow able to remain on top of her breasts, laying high above her kingdom as she was lifted into the sky, her breasts reaching 80, 90, 100 feet!

She sighed and put her hands on her face, pouting as she watched her breasts take over her entire kingdom "Maybe I should've gotten donuts...."

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