Azreal's Blood Bloat

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Hidden away in the volcanic lands known as the Boiling Lands rested the demon kingdom, a bustling kingdom full of demons of all shapes, sizes, colors, etc.

Underground in a hidden lab underneath the castle was none other than a Princess Azreal, a Succubus with a knack for science. Her lab had everything a scientist needed, beakers, bottles, serums, and of course barrels of blood for a nice drink.

Azreal decided to have a nice drink before getting to work, draining some blood into a wine glass before drinking it, her breasts swelled up from the blood drink, pushing against her leotard.

She put the glass down and rubbed her breasts, letting out a moan "Mmm~ You two grow so nicely, mommy's proud her babies, yes she is!~" she said, kissing her breasts. She suddenly snapped to reality, letting go of her mounds "I need to stop talking to my boobs."

She sat at her table and got to work, mixing various serums together to test the results. Unknown to her, a figure lay hidden in her shadows, silently watching her as it plugged a pump into each of her blood barrels, each pump having a long hose coming out the top.

Azreal was too busy heating up a mixture to notice the figure at work, it wasn't until she felt a tap on her shoulder that she finally turned around "Who's ther-" she was immediately cut off by a hose going right into her mouth by a figure cloaked in shadows. She tugged on the hose with all her might, but to no avail, it seemed to be stuck in her mouth somehow.

Suddenly she felt something warm running down her throat, immediately she knew that the hose was pumping blood into her body. She tried digging into the hose with her sharp claws to cut it, but that failed too. She could feel her breasts swelling quickly, pressing against her already tight leotard as they began to spill over the top.

The sheer weight of her breasts cause her to fall onto her table, grunting as she struggled to get back up.

She enjoyed blood, but this much was too excessive, even for her; and now it wasn't just her breasts expanding, she could feel her exposed ass growing as well, digging her leotard bottom deep between her cheeks, causing her to let out a pleasured moan. Even though she was expanding out of control, she couldn't help but find pleasure from this, rubbing her hand across her clit as she pinched her nipples with her other hand.

She had become lost in a lustful trance, almost forgetting her current situation as her breasts grew to the size of giant pumpkins, shoving her tools aside as they took over her table.

"Mmm..~" she couldn't stop feeling herself, rubbing her wet clit as her leotard dug into her pussy.

All good things must come to an end however, as she could now feel her belly beginning to swell with the rest of her assets, pressing against her table as it bubbled with blood.

Her chair began to creek from the sheer weight placed on it, eventually caving in and plopping Azreal on her ass, causing her to wobble like a plate of gelatin. Her whole body resembled a giant red beanbag chair, swelling and fattening up as the blood continued to pump into her system.

She eventually got a break as the barrel ran out of blood, allowing her to spit out the hose and catch her breath "Gah...What the hell is going on?! Show yourself!"

The black figure appeared in front of her, grinning eagerly as it held a dozen hoses in each hands.

Azreal tried to grab him, unable to move as her Blobby body weighed her down "Stop! I can't take in all that blood! Even a demon has her limits!"

The figure of course didn't listen, instead letting out a malicious giggle as it forced all the hoses into her mouth, activating the devices to pump all the blood into her at once before vanishing in a puff of black smoke.

Azreal let out a panicked whine as she felt the torrent of blood get dumped down her throat, restarting her swelling and picking up the pace, her own limbs growing bigger and rounder with each passing second, her massive breasts sloshed and churned atop her king bed sized gut, everything nearby her getting pushed away as her body's obese frame filled up the room.

She was completely immobile at this point, only able to let out muffled screams and moans as she witnessed her once slender, curvy frame being turned into a giant mass of red squishy flesh. Her body was now pushing against all four walls of her lab, pushing the barrels up against her gut.

The ceiling drew closer and closer to her head, she felt her horns pushing against the top, causing it to crack. Those above her could hear the floor beginning to break from underneath.

In an instant the whole floor exploded upwards, revealing a swelling red glob of what was once Azreal swelling right out the top, her breasts and arms escaping the constraints of her lab as they spilled over onto what was left of the floor.

Guards rushed over to their princess, smashing the barrels of blood and yanking out the hoses from her mouth.

One of the guards ran over to her face, looking up at the engorged cheeks of Azreal "My princess! Are you okay?! What happened?!"

Azreal let out a burp, groaning as she laid her head back onto her fat backside "Get me out and get me to the bathroom...I don't feel so good..." she said in a dizzy state of confusion.

The next few hours were spent trying to haul Azreal out of the hole and towards the restroom, and no one ever knew about the strange figure that had paid her a visit.

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