Beatrice's Muscle Mass

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The Beetle Kingdom, and industrial city-like kingdom located near the mountain ranges. The beetles range from all kinds of species, jewel beetles, stag beetles, rhino beetles, Hercules beetles, even ladybugs and dung beetles occupy the large iron jungle that is this kingdom.

Here we follow Beatrice, the shortstack stag beetle who just so happens to be the princess of the whole kingdom. Don't let her face deceive you, although she looks very angered a lot of the time, she's actually quite sweet.

Beatrice was currently making her way through the kingdom, greeting the common folk as she carried along a basket of goodies for herself. Young beetles always enjoyed being picked up by Beatrice, hundreds would pile on her at a time just to play, but it was no problem for her, among all the princesses she was physically the strongest one, able to shatter and lift boulders with great ease.

Beatrice laughed and played with the kids, gently tossing them around to help them fly. Eventually she put them all down, giving them a kind smile before opening her shell and flying up to her room in the castle. She settled down the basket and laid on her bed, utilizing her breasts as natural pillows.

"Ah~ Finally, a chance to lay down and relax, being a princess has its perks but man it's nice to just chill" she said, tossing her dress to the side before donning a grey crop top and grey shorts to match.

She opened up her basket to reveal her goodies, a basket full of delicious honey buns, all filling her room with a delicious aroma. She took a nice big sniff of her buns, smiling brightly.

"All these buns just for me, what more could a gal ask for?" She chuckled and reached for one, however she stopped when she noticed a strange one, a bright pink bun hidden among the rest "Hello there, I don't remember getting you" she grabbed it and inspected it, it looked like an ordinary bun to her, just with pink dough instead of the normal beige dough.

She shrugged it off and took a bit into it, not only did it have the delicious taste of honey, but with an added fruity flavor of strawberry. She let out a happy moan, enjoying every bite of it before finishing it off. She licked her fingers clean and let out a satisfied sigh before laying back on her bed.

"Delicious! I should get those pink buns more, although I don't remember seeing them in the, I must've just missed it" she giggled and laid back on her bed, closing her eyes for a quick nap.

Ten minutes have passed by during her nap, and by now her mystery bun had begun a reaction in her body. She shifted a bit in her sleep, feeling a sudden sensation in her body as the bun caused her muscles to tense up a bit.

Still fast asleep, Beatrice was blissfully unaware of her body suddenly starting to grow, but rather than expand or grow taller, her muscles were gaining mass, her thighs, calves, biceps, forearms, shoulders, and chest all bulging outwards as though she was stung by a bee.

Beatrice still hadn't woken up, allowing her muscles to continue growing, her arms now more than twice the width of what they used to be, her expanding thighs began to tighten down her shorts, causing them to stretch outwards, her chest and breasts were expanding as well, pressing against her top more than it already was, causing her cleavage to spill over the top as they doubled in size.

It took the sound of her creaking bed for Beatrice to finally wake up, giving her the scare of her life as she saw her own bulging body growing before her eyes.

She stood up in a panic, nearly falling over from her new size and weight "Gah!! What the hell is happening?!" She tried to look around but her sight was getting more and more blocked as her breasts, shoulders, and even back muscles were covering up her view, slowly sinking her head into her expanding muscle mass.

She tried her best to waddle to the door, but due to her size and lack of sight she just bumped into walls, her breasts acting as bumpers as they swelled to the size of yoga balls.

"This can't be happening...this ca-" she was cut off by the sudden ripping sound, her clothes have given up on her, leaving her muscular body bare naked as she continued to grow "...crap".

At this rate she was ten times her original size, her muscles had become too big for her own good, barely able to bend her limbs all she could do was either stand or fall straight down, which she did, landing right on her gargantuan breasts.

Beatrice tried to look up, her head was being consumed by her own body as it sunk deeper into her muscles, her body continuing to grow at an alarming rate as the room got more and more cramped.

She let out a little whimper as she witnessed her own boobs crush the honey buns she loved oh so dearly "Aw come on..! First this and now my buns?! What's gonna happen next huh?!" She asked, gritting her teeth as she tried to get up.

Her rage was cut short however as her body began to swell even faster, pressing against the walls as her body bulged and tensed up more. Then, with a loud crash, she came tumbling out of her room and the castle, landing in the castle courtyard with a loud thud, her body had grown to over twenty times her original size, having grown to the size of a house and yet still growing.

Beatrice was simply a bystander for her own growth, unable to even move let alone try to stop herself. She just let out a sigh and accepted her fate "I always did wanna get bigger..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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