.The Jitters. Part 1

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Hey, guys. I hope you find something interesting about what I wrote and continue to read it! This is very exciting for me and I am looking forward to your guys' comments. The story gets so much juicier as the storyline goes on. I swear it will. Might be rated R half the time. Lol. Enjoy. xo ;p

The clock was ticking...

I stared at the walls, looking left and right at the rock stars framed on the wall.

David Bowie, Billy Idol, and Freddy Mercury were all posing flawlessly.

I was at Warner Bros. Records waiting impatiently to speak to my new manager, Larry Jones.

My band, "The Grave Stones", had gotten signed to the amazing label just a week prior.

It was nerve wracking, knowing my band's career was taking off.

I couldn't believe that we were signed to a label where artists like Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, and Linkin Park were signed to.

It just made me extremely nervous that at any moment I could run into any of them. What would I say or do?

Off in the distance there was a monitor playing "Hail To The King" by Avenged Sevenfold. 

I continued looking at the clock and got a slight pain in my neck for wandering my eyes in that same direction, 100 times.

I was a shy girl growing up and anxiety would kick in from time to time, hence, the reason why I'm freaking out at the moment. I never liked being around people and I was very much an introvert, but I grew out of that.

I pulled out my purse and grabbed some EOS chap stick and began to apply. I reached back into my bag and was shuffling around and found an old flyer of ours. It was for a small gig back in Oregon earlier this year. 

It's pretty amazing how the band has gotten this far.

I had a job at Taco Bell back when I was seventeen and basically opened up with people and made new friends. I was just a reserved kind of girl and because of my job, I found my band mates who are now my best friends.

There's Luke Davis, our lead guitar player. Kyle Stevens, our amazing drummer. Justin Harriot, our rad bassist and then there's me, the lead vocalist and rhythm guitar player, Pearl Fremont.

The reason I had shown up by myself to Warner Bros. was because Larry wanted to personally have a meeting with me only, since I was the one who created the idea of the band.


The lady at the front desk was typing some stuff on the computer and then she received a phone call and she alerted me. She told me to go down the hall into a room to the far left.

I walked towards the door when it swung open and a very familiar face walked out. He was holding a box. It looked like a bunch of letters. A second later I realized something huge.

I smiled so freakin' hard to the point where I almost couldn't see.

"Oh my goodness. Wow. Hi! I'm Pearl Fremont. I happen to know exactly who you are. I don't mean to come off as a weirdo, but I am deeply a huge fan of yours. Wow!"

Gerard Way immediately smiled and attempted to try and shake my hand, but since he had the box, I did him the favor and I just shook his pointer and middle fingers, while he was still holding it.

"Hi, nice to meet you! You're the girl who sings and plays guitar, right? For the new band Larry just signed? He was just explaining that to me." He smiled.

"Yes! I'm the rhythm guitar player and vocalist for 'The Grave Stones'." I said.

"That's so amazing. I wish you luck in the success of your band. I'm looking forward on listening to your guys' music. So lovely meeting you, Pearl." He smiled one last time.

"It was an honor to have met you as well. Thanks for chatting with me. Sorry for taking some of your time!" I said with some guilt and half a smile.

"Hey, no worries at all. I just gotta get back home to finish opening up all this fan mail. Bye." He smiled with his lips pressed together and he then walked off with the big ol' box of mail.

As I approached the door, I stopped and took a deep breath. My heart was pounding fast. I inhaled and then exhaled.

What the actual fuck. This wasn't a dream.

I know I stated earlier that Warner Bros. would occasionally be filled with artists, but woah...

I just fucking met Gerard Way.

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