.Taking It In. Part 3

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I arrived to my apartment and sat on the couch.

The whole ride home, I kept thinking of the meet with Gerard. I smiled to myself once more and then reached for my phone.

I got on it and started scrolling through Instagram and Facebook.

I had received a Snapchat a few moments later... 

"Broooo, where the fuck are you? Come over now!!!!" It was a video message sent to me by Justin. I sent one immediately back.

"Dude, I'll be over in a second. Let me change." I said smiling with my middle finger up.

 Our sense of humor was childish.

Justin lived in the same apartment complex as me. As I mentioned before, he was the bassist in the band. I lived on the first floor and he lived on the second floor with his girlfriend, Liz, and two dogs.

We lived in Echo Park. It was a decent area in L.A. The Dodger Stadium was nearby and a whole bunch of baseball fans would fill the place up. There were many musicians who would play there too, so occasionally we could hear the music playing. It was awesome.

I walked to my room and saw that my roommate, Marie, wasn't home. Her and I had been renting out the place. She wasn't much of a friend of mine, we were more like acquaintances. We would just occasionally talk to each other. She often brought home different dudes at night... that she'd fuck... I'd hear everything... and in the mornings, it'd be awkward.

I quickly changed into a comfy sweater and some fluffy slippers and made my way up to Justin's apartment.

I knocked on his apartment door and he let me in.

"Hey, what are you up to?" I said, closing the door behind me.

"Nothing really. Just chillin' with my two fat pugs. Tell me about the meeting you had!" Justin pestered at me.

"Dude, it was fucking sick. I met Gerard Way!" I said in excitement.

"Seriously?! You lucky bastard What happened exactly?!" Justin said.

"I was just waiting in the lobby and got called back to Larry's office and right there in the hallway I met the hesitant alien. I couldn't believe it at first. It was crazy. I'm still in shock. He had also come back into the room because he forgot his shades. He was telling me that the band's in good hands with Larry." I explained to Justin.

"Wow. I am so jealous right now." He put his hands on his forehead, like he couldn't believe what I was saying. "How does it feel, Pearl?" Justin said smiling at me. He then reached for the nearest thing, which was a pillow, and threw it at me for shits and giggles.

"Asshole. It feels like the Gods above blessed me, but besides that awesome event, Larry was very interesting and chill." I explained. "I got all my paperwork finished and signed. All you guys have to do next, is show up together to sign your guys' papers and after that, we'll for sure have a tour and an album to make." I explained to Justin. He nodded in agreement. "I'm most likely gonna go with you guys." I said.

We sat there for a minute. Just thinking. I was biting my nails and Justin was spacing out.

"This is so crazy to take in. Once me and the guys go and sign the contract, it's all really happening. Like, I remember when we were just working at Taco Bell, where we met each other and then we grouped up 'cause we were all into the same music. Now we're in a band, the fuck? You know? Signing to Warner Bros. Records. Whew!" Justin said taking in a breath.

"I know. I can't wait for us to kick start our career and tour around. It's gonna be so rad. Where's Kyle and Luke?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was talking to Luke and Kyle earlier. They both went to a family event. They said they'd come by around six tonight. So, in like four hours they'll be by." Justin explained to me.

Luke and Kyle were stepbrothers. Luke's mom was married to Kyle's dad and they got along super well, not like most step siblings.

"Alright, cool. In the meantime, I'm gonna go for a jog and then stop by my mom's place and drop the news to her."

"Okay, that sounds good. I'll call you when they come by." Justin said.

I dragged myself downstairs to change and then went for a jog.

I plugged in my earphones and started running up the block. I tried to stay as healthy as I could. I had trouble with my weight growing up. It was a constant struggle. Now that I was twenty, I wanted to be in good shape and thankfully I was. 

I soon finished a half hour later, arrived to my apartment and hopped in the shower. 

I sang in the shower, constantly. I was surprised the neighbors never complained. I had loved singing ever since I was nine years old. I kept it up, naturally. It was my passion and gladly, I pushed forward with it. It was my escape from reality. 

I had dressed myself up and made my way to my mother's place. It was half an hour away in a little city called Tujunga.

I had then drove off, tuning out to some Black Veil Brides.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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