Chapter 7

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Beep... Beep...

What is that... Beeping sound?

"Miss... Are you awake?"

Hm...? Who's talking to me?

"Oh, it's been a week now..."

A week?!

I gasped as I quickly opened my eyes, looking furiously around. A woman dressed in white was sitting right next to me, worried.

What am I doing in a hospital?!

"You're awake!" She said as she clapped her hands.

"Excuse me, but... What happened?" I asked as I slowly put my hand on my forehead, which was burning like hell.

"You're in the Washington district hospital. You collapsed when you came out of your apartment, a week ago... Don't you remember?" She said as she changed what looked like a pocket on a strange rack.


Curious about what this strange rack was, I followed the transparent tube with my eyes, to finally see it was attached to my arm.

Okay, I'm getting it.

Slowly acknowledging this odd but expectable situation, I gazed upon the room, 'till I found what seemed to be a strange letter, placed on the bedside table. The nurse picked up my curiosity and handed it over to me.

"A man left this for you this morning. We didn't know what bond you two might have so we let it be." The nurse specified as she gave me a soft smile, leaving me to respect my privacy as I opened the envelope.

I quietly opened the envelope and when I noticed the two first words I smiled strangely.

"Leon. The man's name is Leon. Thank you for letting it be." I whispered as the nurse frowned. She looked back at me, sighing almost silently.

"It's normal. I'll come back later, call someone if you want to stand up."

I nodded as turned my attention back to the letter.

"Dear Lucy,

If you're reading this letter, it probably means you're awake.

Around one week ago, precisely on October 8th, you collapsed in front of your apartment, knocking your head on the floor as you fell. You were lucky that your neighbor, Kyle, heard you collapse and immediately called for an ambulance.

You're actually in Washington. I'll explain the reason to you another time.

Now, I just want you to focus on your recovery.


I gulped as I touched the back of my head, feeling numb afterward.

Okay, I'm quite out of it right now...

Probably sedatives.

I yawned, rubbing my eyes multiple times in the process as I watched the azure blue sky presented in front of me, through the dusty window.

What a beautiful day to wake up in a hospital.

Looking once again in the room, I noticed that there was one of my bags with probably my belongings on a chair, so I calmly tried to get up, suddenly having a reminder of what the nurse just had told me.

These sedatives are something alright...

So I grinned and bore it, waiting silently for the nurse to come back.

A Troubled Past - Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now