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Kentaro had no problem making friends. Something inside you told you that he was dangerous but you ignored the feeling.

“Hello I’m Maka Albarn and this is my partner Soul Eater!” Maka introduced when class ended.

Soul gave a lazy half smile, revealing his shark like teeth.

“I am Black Star and I will surpass God!” Black Star announced to the purple haired boy, bringing a foot onto the desk.

“I’m Black Stars weapons Tsubaki!” she smiled at Kentaro who returned her smile.

“I’m Death the Kid and these are my weapons Liz and Patty,” Kid said. Kentaro nodded to them.

“It’s nice to meet you guys!” he grinned.

“Are you going to introduce yourself (y/n)?” Maka whispered to you. You puffed your cheeks out and looked away. Suddenly someone had your hand in theirs and you looked into the brown eyes of Kentaro.

“Who are you?” he asked staring into you (e/c)s.

“(y-y-y-y-y/n)” you stuttered out. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back of your hand.

“Well, (y/n), you are by far the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen!” he stated winking at you.

Your entire being was screaming to get away from this guy. But you couldn’t move, you were paralyzed.

“Is it getting hot in or what?” Soul teased. You ripped your hand from his and quickly left the room, heart pounding in your chest.

“What’s wrong with her?” Kentaro asked looking to the others in confusion.

“(Y/n)s a vampire so she’s not good with others. She’s kinda awkward with other people.” Maka explained.

“A vampire? Really now?” he smiled.

Kid, on the other hand, felt something burning in the pit of his stomach. It wasn’t a good feeling at all. He suddenly wanted to strangle Kentaro and tell him to go back from whence he came.

“Kid, are you ok?” Tsubaki asked laying a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m going to go home and rest a little. See you guys tomorrow,” he muttered and left the room rather quickly. He put a hand to his chest. “What is this…?”

He shook his head and went home.

~With you~

“Stupid stupid stupid stupid!” you muttered to yourself lightly hitting yourself over the head. You had walked blindly through Death City and when you blinked back to reality, you were on the bridge. The same bridge where Kid had wrapped his arms around you as you cried in the rain.

You smiled at the fond memory.

But then a certain purpled haired new boy popped into your mind causing your face to erupt in a blush. You sighed and laid your head on the railing.

“Why miss, whatever is the matter?” the voice was beside you, causing you to jump. You looked over into the face of an elderly woman.

“I-its...nothing,” you told her.

“Is it a boy?” she asked.

“N-no!” you said.

“I may be old but I can tell when someone is lying. Tell me about it over a cup of tea.” she said. You followed the frail old lady across the bridge and to her home where she poured a cup of hot tea for the two of you.

“So who is he?” the elder woman asked.

“A new kid…” you sighed running your fingers through your (h/l) (h/c).

“What’s his name?”

“Uhh Kentaro,” you replied sipping your tea.

“Why are you so confused with your feelings my dear?” she questioned.

“Well for starters, I just met him. And second, my mind says that he is perfect but the rest of my body screams for me to get away from him. Like he’s dangerous.” you explained to her.

“Well what do YOU think?”

“I-I don’t,” you put your head in your hands.

“Why not get to know this boy and see how things go,” she suggested.

“There’s another boy though,” you told her.


“Yes. Lord Death’s son. Death The Kid. I mean I don’t like him or anything, he’s a good friend. But he makes me feel happy and warm inside,” you said wrapping your arms around yourself.

The elderly woman said nothing. She stared at her cup.

“Well dear. I can’t really help you out. You’ll have to sort your feelings out for this Kentaro boy yourself…” she smiled at you.

“I see,” you stood up and bowed. “Thanks for trying!”

“Come see me again whenever you want!” She waved as you left returning to the bridge.

“What do I do? Listen to my head or listen to my gut? Is Kentaro dangerous?” you groaned and stomped away.

You were unaware of the pair of brown eyes watching you from the shadows.

The figure let out a dark chuckle as he watched you from his crystal ball. “Soon. I will control Death City and you, my dear, will help me!”

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