part 13

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I woke up from my desk to see adam still sleeping....just like a kid.. I felt myself staring at h for a long time....why am I staring at him? I have to go make breakfast...
I went to shower and fresh up... Once I came out of the shower...I saw adam still in my room...looking at his phone... Then he looked at me and became super red..."um....privacy?" I said "I'm so sorry!!" Adam said as he rushed out of my room.. Pft this kid is easy to tease... I put on my clothes and went out to make some breakfast... After a while adam came out of his room all dressed up and came near me and sat on the kitchen counter "what are you making?" Asked adam "pancakes.." I said as I flipped the pancake... "By the way did you finish editing that animation video?" Adam asked "yup...and you just went to sleep in the middle of it....just like a kid.." I said "haha..I'm sorry...well you could have tried to wake me up though.." Adam said as he came closer to look at the pancakes.. "I Dont wake kids up" I said in a joking way.... But I guess I didn't wake him up because he looked peaceful sleeping... My thoughts were interrupted by adam...he placed his chin on my shoulder and watched the pancakes.. "Looks delicious..." He whispered in my ear.. As I started to blush and go real red like a tomato... Even though I knew he meant the pancakes....I can't help but imagine it...ugh what's wrong with me...
After the pancakes were done we ate them and adam was talking about what kinda video we have to do today and as always I never listen and just eat my food... "So let's do a gaming video and play this game called fashion famous and then we have to make a zero budget on blackpink's new music video... Got it? Adam asked and I said "yeah" and continued to eat "you are not even listening are ya?" Adam asked as he ate his pancake "well Im ok with anything you say" I said "what if I ask you to do whatever I say for the whole day?" Adam asked with a smirk on his face "well I Dont think you'll ask for anything complex since you are a kid..."I said "let's go to an amusement park then!!" Adam said with excitement.... I knew he wouldn't ask anything more than that...what do I mean by more than that..? Ugh...I Dont know... "Sure" I said "alright let's go make a gaming video" I said as I grabbed both of our plates and placed it in the dishes and then went to go make a video..
Adam was fixing the lights "hey justin can you grab the camera and search of the tripod?" Adam asked "alright" I said as I grabbed the camera and then started to search for the tripod... I accidentally tripped on one of the wires of the lights and fell on adam with the light on top of me
"Ow...I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" "its fine...are you ok?" I just realized how close I was to Adam's face... Our lips were inches apart.. I started to blush and I moved the light which was on top of me and let adam sit up... "Justin are you ok? Did the light hit your back?" Adam asked with a concerned look on his face and I was still blushing from what happened.. Weird thoughts came into my mind...what if I actually kissed adam at that time?... Wait what the heck am I thinking!?.... " I'm fine.." I said as I got up and started to search for the tripod...
"Found it!!" I said as I took it out of the conner of the shelf "alright let's set it up" adam said...and we continued to set things up for the video

After the video I kinda felt the pain in my back...maybe from the light that fell on me I guess... Well its fine... I placed foxy in her place at the shelf and then went to my room to check on how bad the wound was... I went in and took of my shirt off and saw the red markings of the light stand... I put my shirt back on went out to see adam sitting on the couch with his phone out....I can't believe I was thinking weird things about adam....I hope he doesn't think bad of me when he finds out...

(Ok....I didn't plan any of this😂 all of this was just on the go lol well I hope you guys liked this!!)

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