An Agreste Love Story - Part 5

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Gabriel- Lets get a refill of drinks and some snacks and I'll tell you all about the Prom

*Refilled drinks were being made and being placed on the table by Natalie as Gabriel starts telling Adrien more of his Love Story*

-Emilie's POV-

Emilie- Oh no, Bruce please don't. I have... um... just did my hair, don't want to mess it, you know.

Bruce- I do know! It takes forever to get my suit for the prom just right! You really get me Emilie.

Emilie- *sighs*

Bruce- You know Emilie, I'm planning on making every goal at the polo match just for you...

Kacey- Who the hell is that?

*Emilie jumps up surprised feeling her heart racing blushing seeing Gabriel with his friends preforming a fashion design show Bruce noticing*

Bruce- What the...

*As Gabriel's fashion show ended with his friends he turns to see Emilie clapping for him and his designs Bruce not looking happy*

Bruce- *thinks to himself while looking at Emilie clapping to Gabriel~ Heh, no way that stunt worked. I'm the only one going to be the Prom King, Geek!*

*Bruce shouted and pointing while laughing at Gabriel and his friends*

Bruce- Geeks! What a bunch of geeks! Ha Ha!

Emilie- *looks at Bruce* That... That was so mean! How could you?!

Bruce- What? I'm just having a laugh! *wraps his arm around Emilie* You're still coming to the polo match, right?

Emilie- *sits there with her arms crossed* Hmph!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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