An Agreste Love Story - Part 3

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William- You're an idiot

-later that day-

*Gabriel and his friends sit around the table doing school work while Gabriel is drawing designs*

William- Hey Gabriel, what you working on this time?

Gabriel- Oh just doing a dress design, I'm thinking of making it and give it to someone special.

Henry- Let me guess.. it's for Emilie who helped you earlier

Gabriel- Umm... yes, but guys I've made an decision!

Henry- To stop doing designs and actually hang with us and do stuff?

Gabriel- Not about that. I'm going to make Emilie my girlfriend

William- Good luck with that.

Gabriel- Furthermore... I shall ask her to the prom next week

William- Gabriel, Emilie is a popular girl. She's smart, kind, and beautiful. She can go to the prom with anyone... We know you're a good guy but there are some limitations to our social... circumstances.

Gabriel- We're meant for each other. I can feel it.

Mike- You... er, might... be shooting a little... high in your expectations for you're first girlfriend.

Gabriel- *has a vision about Emilie* No, she is perfect we are going to live happily ever after in a mansion and have a little boy. I can see it clearly.

*all this friends do a collective sigh*

William- You're really serious about this aren't you?

Gabriel- Of course I am, and you guys can't stop me even if you tried I won't stop.

Mike- Alright we won't try to stop you Gabriel we understand how much she means to you but just be careful.

Gabriel- *smiles at his friends* Thanks guys

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