grow ,Mario, grow

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I watched as my mother came stumbling back from the iceberg lounge. She was drunk I could tell that.

I sat on the sofa as she switched all the lights on in the kitchen , swung the refrigerator door open and began searching for something.

"Mom you good" I called, pausing the TV to go help her she was hunting for something but I couldn't tell what "where are the mushrooms?" She slurred.

A knock sounded at the door and I left my mother to hunt for the mushrooms. I opened the apartment door to be met with a very angry Oswald Cobbelpot.

"Evening Miss. Pepper, is your mother in" he was trying to look over me to see her but he was small so it was stupid to even try.

"Yeah why?" I asked , Oswald opened his mouth to complain when mom pushed me out of the way and shoved a mushroom into Oswald's hands "grow, Mario,  grow!" She shouted before slamming the door shut.

I helped her into bed after that , she was making weird noises at me that sounded like 'I love you' so I just kept nodding and rubbing her back.

It took me 4 tries because she kept rushing to the bathroom to throw up and I knew by the morning she wouldn't remember any of this.

I was right. Mom came bouncing into the living room the next morning without a care in the world "morning blossom" she grinned watering the window plants.

"Morning how are you feeling after last night" I asked "fine ,why wouldn't I be?" She smiled. I scoffed and started at her "you can't remember anything about last night?" I asked.

She shrugged and sat on the sofa next to me "why do you ask?" She cocked an eyebrow as I shrugged "no reason just watch out for Oswald this morning".

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