Beach City

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(My POV)

I finally found a place where I can be me! I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! Beach city. A place where you can be yourself. I walked over to Steven's house. I knocked on the door. Garnet opened it.

Garnet: Hello. I'm Garnet. Welcome.
Me: Hi, I'm Kat. Nice to meet you!
Garnet: I was just going off to little Homeworld, want to come?
Me: Yes please!

We walked towards little Homeworld. Steven was giving a Cherry Quartz a tour around Little Homeworld. He then spotted us.

Steven: Hello, I'm Steven Universe.
Me: I'm Kat, nice to meet you.
Steven: Would you like to talk after the tour?
Me: Yeah!

Steven continued to tell the Cherry Quartz about little homeschool. After he gave the tour, he offered me to have donuts with him and Amethyst.

Steven: I'm so glad that so many gems want to stay here on Earth.
Amethyst: I love teaching! It feels great having people look up to me.
Me: Yeah. Gems and Earth were fighting for so long.
Steven: How do you know that?
Me: Oh, well I think this is a good time to mention, I'm half gem.
Steven and Amethyst: *spits drink*
Steven: H-How?!?!
Me: Well, I come from another dimension. There were alternate versions of the diamonds, and you guys. I've met those versions, but you're the originals.
Amethyst: You lost me dude.
Me: Ok, back to my gem, the diamonds wanted a very powerful gem in their court. They spent so long making the gem that they forgot to put in the materials to give it a physical form. They sent it to the Loure realm, the land where I'm from, and I infused the gem into me. I now have the gems powers. My gem is a very rare crystal.
Steven: So, your gem is basically a source for your powers?
Me: Yeah, except for flight. I was giving it, by an old friend.
Steven: Well I would love to meet him! Or her!
Me: He's, I don't want to talk about it.
Steven: Oh. Well, I'm gonna go.

He then looked in a certain direction.

Amethyst: Dude, are you serious? She's not gonna change.
Me: Who's not gonna change?

Steven and I walked in a forest. The life was so beautiful. I then spotted a cave with no grass around it. A figure was on top of the cave. The figure jumped down to reveal Jasper.

Jasper: What do you want?
Steven: Just wanted to check up on you.
Me: Hi?
Jasper: And why bring this human here?
Steven: For your information, she's more powerful than she looks.
Me: I broke someone's leg once.

They both just stared at me.

Me: What? They started the fight!
Steven: Nevermind, oh! Those rocks look nice.

Jasper then kicked the rocks. They tumbled down.

Steven: What is up with you?! I'm just trying to help!
Jasper: And I don't want your help.
Steven: But that school could help you!
Jasper: Who cares?
Steven: I do!
Me: Maybe instead of going to little homeschool, you could teach the US military how to fight? Think about it! The military will fight better in war, and you can continue to fight!
Jasper: I'm not doing that.
Me: Eh, I tried.
Steven: Come on!
Jasper: Fight me first!
Steven: Ugh.

He then lightly punched Jasper. They then got into a huge fight.

Jasper: You think everyone needs help, but it's you who needs help!

Steven then glowed pink and blasted Jasper off him. They continued to fight. I ran in and stopped then by using my crystal shields to separate them.

Me: Please stop fighting.
Jasper: Huh, you have gem powers?
Me: It's a long story.
Steven: Jasper, you unlocked something in me.
Jasper: What? You want me to teach at your school?
Steven: No, just me.
Jasper: Consider this your first and only lesson.
Me: Well, bye.

Me and Steven walked back to Beach City.

Steven: So, mind showing me your powers sometime?
Me: No prob, Bob.
Steven: Ha, I'm Steven.

We then talked all the way home.

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