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a middle-aged woman, with a blonde, angled bob cut beamed at the class with a voice so sickenly sweet that it seemed almost sour - in other words, a karen began speaking to her students.

"today, i have a very special announcement to make!" most of the student groaned at her statement - whenever the woman said this, they were bound to stay overtime in the freezing school hall.

"as we all know, the snowball is coming up very soon for this grade, an exciting aspect for a lot of you i have seen. well due to the upcoming event, a few plans have been made." more student started to pay attention, leaning forward as if it would help them hear better.

"if you guys read the poster, you would know that we a tv crew coming to this exact school, they're filming a show and the title of it is on the big screen behind me!"

behind her read "the chronicles of a teenager: high-school mania".

S I L E N C E. the room was dead quiet, but it didn't take long until the room flowed with shouts - most of them filled with joy while some protesting against the idea.

lucas turned towards max, "you never said they were filming here." max simply rolled her eyes and said, "well we were gonna find out anyway," and then turned to talk to her best friend el, who was sat beside her.

the boy nodded and turned towards a random boy sat next to him, attempting to create a conversation, "damn, i thought we'd have to wait we could get into the north and south wings to have a good time here, don't you agree." instead of responding, the boy gave lucas a funny look and turned around to talk to his friends behind him.

"why am i even trying to interact with such a local." lucas mumbled under his breath - apparently max heard that because she burst into laughter, not being able to stop until the principal shrieked for them all to be quiet.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

they had been chosen. both max and lucas' home-teams had been chosen as main representatives of the show.

"we picked these two home-teams knowing too well about the interactions made between them." a series of whispers and groans emerged from the classes not from miss kiyoko and mr johnson (which belonged to both the party, max, el and troy and his group). this series should be extra juicy then.

"no need to worry the rest of you, thursdays will be based more on the rest of 10th grade and fridays, on the rest of the school." although people were still angry, this managed to loosen them up a bit.

"now, let me not waste anymore time and introduce you to the wonderful tv crew of high school mania!"

and so the real high school mania begun...

sorry for another short chapter and sorry for not much interaction between lucas and max!

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