Ch-19 The Other World

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Tranquility absorbed the girl to her core. Sounds of distant chirps brought harmony to her and her heart. The breeze cooled her as she sank into something soft and comfortable. It felt like a marshmallow, but she couldn't bring herself to remember a certain albino because of it.

But the place she's in isn't this comfortable.

Erva's eyes shot open as she pushed herself up from the large bed abruptly. She looked around. She was in her room, at the Vongola Estate. The window was wide opened, and there were birds in the nest in the tree. Standing with worry in his eyes beside her bed was an illusionist. A blonde hair man, her brother, stood beside her grandfather who sat in a chair.

"Grandfather... Replay-ni... Perverted Illusionist..." she gasped. How can she... be here?

"Welcome back, Axiallis," Timeteo smiled warmly.

"Grandfather... wait, where's the others?" Erva asked. She couldn't have returned alone right? The only thing she remembered, was Revano gathering her and everyone from their world together. Probably a meeting to discuss about their next plan, especially when he had came back.

"Duh! Of course they did! Everyone but him."

She snapped her head towards the door. Leaning by it was a delinquent girl: Chrome. A grimace plastered across her pretty face.

"Chrome! What do you mean... everyone but him?" Erva asked.


The water rippled softly as the wooden boat bumped onto the worn down deck. Clouds that dropped from the sky in sadness flooded above the land and water like the sea. No sounds but faint cries of the tranquil but lonely lake. A man cloaked in brown made his way out of the boat slowly and tied it to a poke. The mist was thick. As silently as a ghost, with the hood covering his face like some kind of dark mysterious traveller, he proceeded his way down and into the forest ahead.

Sounds of light crackles. His instincts ushered him in the direction. Past some bushes and trees, he pushed aside a branch and came to a fireplace. Surrounding it were three campers, all young and asleep. All three in their near teenager ages. The cloaked man approached one of them with gravity defying brown hair, and brushed a lock of hair from the teen's eyes.

A gun shot sounded from the distance. The man shot up and leapt into one of the bushes. The single gun shot stirred the three teenagers to consciousness. The one the cloaked man approached, was first to sit up. He drowsily rubbed his eyes, but then frowned once he realized the sound of his alarm.

"Rezano, Axiallis, wake up. I think they're close," the brunette shook his twin and the only girl in the group awake. His brother woke up earlier than the girl, who was still comfortable in someone's jacket.

"Revano? They're already here?" Rezano, everything like the brunette but with blue eyes, started to panic.

Axiallis, the perfect replica of Erva but younger, still refused to wake. Revano, the one who awoke the others, nodded as he carried the girl like a bride. He urged his brother, "we have to go. They found one of our dummies from the west. We have to move!"

As the three descended down the forest, the man still stared at them intently. It was as if his eyes were glued on them, that tearing his gaze away would cause the worse catastrophe. An amused grin crept it's way up his face, his brown hazel eyes gleamed with a new kind of excitement.

"Seriously, I'm back to using my original name. Or should I use the name Cielo instead?" the man (actually a teenager) pondered happily.

He stood up as he watered the fire with his water bottle. The flames bursted and smothered, until it died out completely.

Sawada Tsunayoshi/Hacker de Cielo/Kaitou 27/ Revano/the boss of all boss (Regno) followed the three young teenagers with a pleasant smirk.

"In this parallel world... what are we running from? I wonder."
"Hurry up Rezano! I'm carrying Axiallis and it does not slow me down one bit," Revano chided as he walked at a faster pace.

His twin looked as if he wasn't wrong in the slightest bit, acting as if his brother shouldn't have chided him. But he continued walking close by. Rezano said, "if we put her down, leave her here, we'll be back home comfortable and fulfilled."

"I would only be fulfilled if she's safe," Revano argued back.

"We're fighting against our own country."

"We're fighting for what I see fit!" Revano yelled. Rezano was at a loss for words for a few seconds, then he turned around with disappointment in his eyes.

The small girl in the older twin's arms started to wake. Her eyes fluttered opened as she looked at the two of them sleepily, confused, and in a daze. Rezano looked back and forth between him and her. He signed loudly in frustration as he gave up. "You know what?! You're right. I'm just your younger twin brother. 'You' always make the final choice."

"Rezano, wait-" Revano shook his head as his brother walked away.

"I'm a... being a nuisance?" Axiallis asked softly, insecurity wrapped her.

Revano smiled softly, "you're anything but that. Let's go."

The three did not notice the shadow behind the bushes. The man aimed his gun at them, his finger slowly pulling back the trigger. He was clothed in black. The target, was the little girl. As the trigger was almost pulled to the point where the bullet will be released, another figure jumped down from the tree above. The man's eyes were as wide as plates as he saw the teenager on top of him.

"Aloha~" Tsuna mused as he chopped his neck with his hand. The man dropped unconscious.

The hacker rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he looked back and forth from the three children to the man.

"From these clothes it seemed I'm somewhere in the 1900s. Erva's using her real name, and her eyes is still crystal blue. Rezano, or Haya, doesn't seem to approve of Erva's existence. The twins seem to have good fortune. Then that means..." Tsuna mumbled, "... she's something they shouldn't associate with."

He watched their retreating figures, and caught the crest on the brothers' collars. He narrowed his eyes. They were definitely Vongola's crest. Their clothing a were of high standard, just like royalties. Erva on the other hand wore a tattered dress.

His skin jumped as he felt a lump of solid against the back of his neck. When he looked again his parallel self was gone. Rezano and Axiallis looked in his direction with curiosity and fear in their eyes. Tsuna looked over his shoulder. Revano touched him with the tip of his gun, finger at the trigger. The child's eyes were unwavering and strong.

"State who you are," Revano said.

"A normal man passing by~" Tsuna mocked playfully. The boy pushed him with his gun.

"I said tell me who you are! And why you helped us!" Revano yelled a little more desperately.

Suddenly, gun shots sounded, holes around Axiallis formed. Every shot dying to hit her, but missed her instead. The girl trembled in fear as she looked at Revano for help, but he was already at a loss of ways. Tsuna looked at the group of men that surrounded them, all in uniforms. In other words, they were guards. They were probably not associated with the man in black, because their shots were just threats.

"Your highness, we're very sorry for our rudeness but you'll have to return to the castle. His majesty had been worried," a young man said formally. He was obviously Basil. Some soldiers were already grabbing Axiallis. Revano itched forward to help.

"Back away from that criminal, Revano," Reborn ordered as he appeared out of no where. He was an adult, not an infant like he usually was.

"She's not a criminal! She's only a daughter of a mafia boss!" Revano yelled.

"It's still the same thing."

[Your highness? Wait, so my parallel self is a prince? Erva is still a mafioso...] Tsuna thought to himself.

Reborn noticed Tsuna immediately. He leapt to the teen as he asked, "you, the hooded teen. Who are you?"

A new chapter and a new world.

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