Xenomorph Passion ch.4

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The next morning Liara woke up with a start and began to look around the room frantically to see if the creature is still there, but after searching in the entire room and even using a heat detector there weren't any traces if there ever existed any creature in her room.

Liara: By the goddess. It was all nothing but a dream.

After calming down Liara goes to the bathroom to have a shower and then puts her clothes on.

Liara: I really need to stop looking at porn videos on the extranet with hanar porn.

There was suddenly a knock on her door and opening it she was greeted by her friend Tali.

Tali: Liara are you ok you haven't come out of your room and it's almost noon.

That surprised Liara at how much time has past trying to find something that was only a dream.

Liara: I'm fine Tali i must have over slept after trying to contact somebody to help us.

Tali: You should try to relax more we have enough supplies to last us 6 months and the ship will be ready in 4 weeks.

Liara: Yes you are right Tali i should try to relax more.

Tali: Come on let's go to the mess hall and get something to eat the others are already there.

Tali and Liara soon entered the mess hall and like Tali said all the rest of the crew was there.

Tali and Liara soon entered the mess hall and like Tali said all the rest of the crew was there

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Jack: Well look who decided to finally wake up. You had a hard night?

Liara: You can say that.

Then Liara began to think about her dream from last night and it began to make her pussy wet, but she quickly stops thinking about it.

Benezia: Little wing you should not work so much and enjoy yourself you deserve it after you helped save the galaxy.

Liara: Thank you mother.

Benezia smiles at her, but she knows that her mother in reality feels lonely especially after she left to become an archaeologist.

Liara(thought): Mother i promise i will help you find someone to make you happy.

Samara: Everithing will be alright you don't have to push yourself so much.

Liara: Thank you Samara.

Edi: I'm going to perform some scans on the ship to see what repairs are needed.

Tali: Wait for me.

Katsumi: I have some movies to watch anyone wants to join.

Shiala and Miranda: Sure let's go.

Samara: I'll be meditating in my room.

Ashley: I'll go to the gym.

Soon everyone left and Liara was going back to her room.

During the rest of the day Liara has been working on some of her projects, but also having some fun with the other crew mates.

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