Xenomorph Passion ch.1

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(Alien vs predator world)

Area 51 the most heavily protected military base in the world is well known all around the world for the bizarre happenings and ufo sightings and many have tried to find out her seacrets, but because of the very tight security they have failed.

Deep inside this base in a underground laboratory a scientist can be see walking among cages full of xenomorphs that the USA goverment has captured over the years to study and create weapons that they can use.

Deep inside this base in a underground laboratory a scientist can be see walking among cages full of xenomorphs that the USA goverment has captured over the years to study and create weapons that they can use

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Scientist 1: Man these things give mee the creeps i hope all this will be worth it in the end.

Scientist 2: Hey man are you ok you seem to be a little uneasy.

The first scientist turns to see a colleague of his enter the laboratory carrying something in his hands.

Scientist 1: That's because i am, if it were up to me all these creatures should have been destroyed a long time ago.

Scientist 2: Why? There are so many things we can learn from them if we study them.

Scientist 1: Maybe it just frightens me what will hapen if these things escape, by the way what is that you are holding.

The second scientist comes closer and showes him a container with a Xenomorph egg.

The second scientist comes closer and showes him a container with a Xenomorph egg

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Scientist 1: Gahhh! Why the hell did you bring that here?

Scientist 2: Calm down man it's in a container it will keep it from hatching, these eggs hatch at high temperatures why do you think they make there nests underground near volcanoes and hot springs.

Scientist 1: What are you doing with it?

Scientist 2: Just taking it to the laboratory down the hall to be analized. I heard that this egg was experimented on, but they don't know what the effects are.

Scientist 1: Ok how about we both take the egg there and then go to the mess hall and have lunch i could use a break.

Scientist 2: Ok!

The 2 scientists exit there laboratory to go to the other one to have the egg tested.

Scientist 2: Hey, i heard a rumor that in the laboratory they are also testing a prototype teleporter they recovered from a crashed alien ship.

Scientist 1: You shouldn't beleave in rumors there just inventions made up by people.

The 2 scientists enter the lab, but they don't find anyone there, but what thay find surprises them both.

The 2 scientists enter the lab, but they don't find anyone there, but what thay find surprises them both

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Scientist 2: Do you believe the rumors now?

Scientist 1: Yea i do. Comon leave the egg here and let's go.

Scientist 2: Ok.

The second scientist was so mesmerized by the teleporter that he wasn't paying atention where he was going and he stumbled over some wires and dropped down the container with the egg on the teleporter.

Scientist 1: Hey are you all right?

The first scientist trying to help he's colleague also stumbles on the wires and hits a nearby console triggering the teleporter making the egg disappear.

Scientist 2: Oh shit! I think were going to be in trouble.

Scientis 1: You think!!!

???: What have you done?!!!

Scientists 1 and 2: Shit!!!!!

(Mass effect universe)

(With out the normandy)

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(With out the normandy)

The container apears on a misterious planet, but little did the ones that will crash on the planet know what awaits inside.

Xenomorph PassionWhere stories live. Discover now